
3 Stories

Company Cuts Off Power to Country's Largest City

Turkish firm says Guinea-Bissau hasn't been paying its bills

(Newser) - Bissau, the capital and largest city of Guinea-Bissau, has been left in the dark because of a massive unpaid power bill. Residents of the city, which has a population of almost 500,000, say the power went out early Tuesday and has not been restored, forcing hospitals to use emergency...

Leaders Fly to Guinea-Bissau to Prevent Coup

Assassination leaves power vacuum in African 'narco-state'

(Newser) - West African leaders are holding an emergency meeting in Guinea-Bissau today following the assassination of the country's president, reports the BBC. João Bernardo Vieira was killed a day after the chief of staff of the army, reputed to be a rival of Vieira's, died in a bomb blast. The...

President of Guinea-Bissau Assassinated

West African leader reportedly killed by army in a hail of bullets

(Newser) - The president of the West African republic of Guinea-Bissau was shot dead today, reportedly by soldiers. The Times of London reports that João Bernardo Vieira was assassinated only hours after the head of the army died in a bomb attack. While it's unclear whether a coup is taking place,...

3 Stories
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