James O'Keefe

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NPR Exec Caught in O'Keefe Sting Loses His Next Job

Ron Schiller will no longer be joining the Aspen Institute

(Newser) - The fallout from the conservative sting of NPR continues: The departing exec caught on tape calling Tea Party supporters racist is out of the job he was about to take, reports David Weigel at Slate . "Ron Schiller has informed us that, in light of the controversy surrounding his recent...

NPR's Vivian Schiller Resigns in Wake of O'Keefe Sting

President and CEO had also been criticized for Juan Williams' firing

(Newser) - Following yesterday’s news that an NPR fundraiser was taped calling the Tea Party “seriously racist,” NPR President and CEO Vivian Schiller has resigned. Schiller was quick to condemn the comments, which were recorded as part of a sting by James O’Keefe , and the fundraiser in question...

Former NPR Exec Caught Calling Tea Party 'Racist'

James O'Keefe runs sting on organization

(Newser) - James O'Keefe is at it again. This time, he had some actors pose as members of a Muslim educational organization and offer to donate $5 million to NPR, the Daily Caller reports. That scored them a meeting with then-NPR fundraising executive Ron Schiller, who proceeds to summarily bash Republicans, whose...

ACORN-Esque 'Sting' Hits Planned Parenthood

But group says video was edited, doesn't reflect policies

(Newser) - An anti-abortion group has released an undercover video that appears to depict a Planned Parenthood employee giving advice to—you guessed it—a pimp and a prostitute. The employee, a New Jersey office manager named Amy Woodruff, advises the pair on how to get medical care for underage, illegal immigrant...

Man Tried ACORN 'Sting' on Planned Parenthood

It didn't work, and the FBI is investigating

(Newser) - The FBI is looking for a man suspected of trying to incriminate Planned Parenthood in a scam that resembles the hidden-camera sting that took down ACORN , reports TPM Muckraker . Eight clinics across five states had similar experiences over a single week: a young man came in looking for treatment for...

James O'Keefe Owes Supporters an Explanation Over CNN Plot

Andrew Breitbart: Scheme was 'gross and offensive'

(Newser) - The weird plot by James O'Keefe (aka ACORN pimp) to seduce a CNN reporter and secretly film it is too much even for one of his biggest supporters. "From what I’ve read about this script, though not executed, it is patently gross and offensive," writes Andrew Breitbart...

Fake Pimp Who Burned ACORN Tried to Punk CNN Reporter

Allegedly planned to woo her on boat, film it

(Newser) - The right-wing activist who tricked ACORN in an undercover video sting tried it again—but with a CNN correspondent, the network says. James O'Keefe planned to seduce Abbie Boudreau on a "love boat" filled with sexual props and covertly record the encounter, reports CNN . He told associates he intended...

ACORN 'Pimp' Takes on Census
 ACORN 'Pimp' Takes on Census 

ACORN 'Pimp' Takes on Census

'Sting' reveals workers left early

(Newser) - James O'Keefe is back, with a new video purporting to show “fraud” within the US Census—but the footage is a just a wee bit less scintillating than the ACORN “fake pimp” videos that made him famous. O'Keefe's signed up to work for the Census and discovered that—...

'Fake Pimp' Pleads Guilty in Senate Break-In

James O'Keefe gets 3 years' probation in Mary Landrieu ruse

(Newser) - James O'Keefe, who might just be referred to as a “fake pimp” in headlines for the rest of his life, pleaded guilty along with three accomplices for breaking into Sen. Mary Landrieu's office and trying to tamper with her phones. O'Keefe copped to misdemeanor charges of entering federal property...

Acorn Ready to File Bankruptcy
 Acorn Ready to File Bankruptcy  

Acorn Ready to File Bankruptcy

Funding dried up in wake of pimp scandal

(Newser) - When James O'Keefe can convince your workers that he's a pimp and elicit all sorts of ill-advised advice, it's probably not an indicator that business is booming. And indeed, insiders tell the New York Times that Acorn will announce its pending bankruptcy this weekend. At least half of the group's...

Breitbart Blasts Maddow on ACORN Filmmaker

Rips MSNBC host for slandering O'Keefe in 'propaganda campaign'

(Newser) - Conservative media entrepreneur Andrew Breitbart lashed out at Rachel Maddow yesterday, branding the MSNBC host intellectually dishonest and slamming her politics. Breitbart was particularly angry about Maddow's coverage of the man who created the ACORN pimp videos, James O’Keefe. Maddow and the left “falsely framed" O'Keefe on the...

James O'Keefe Has History of 'Racial Resentment'

New photo puts him at white nationalists forum in 2006

(Newser) - Now that James O'Keefe is a fixture in the news and his past is coming under increased scrutiny, Max Blumenthal wonders why his supporters aren't bothered by a background of stunts "shot through with racial resentment." His piece in Salon picks up on a report by the anti-racism...

ACORN Pimp: I Was Using Valid Journalist Tactics

James O'Keefe tells Hannity he didn't do anything wrong

(Newser) - Dressing up as a telephone repairman to gain access to a federal official's office is just a "journalistic tactic," James O'Keefe told Sean Hannity last night. The conservative filmmaker, in his first TV interview since he and three cohorts were charged with trying to tamper with Sen. Mary...

O'Keefe: The Media Are Picking on Me!

Was at Landrieu's office, 'could have used a different approach'

(Newser) - James O’Keefe says he did not try to bug Mary Landrieu’s phone, and reports saying he did are false. In a lengthy statement on Andrew Breitbart’s Big Journalism blog railing against the media, the conservative activist acknowledges a "visit" to the senator's office and says, "...

Andrew Breitbart Goes After MSNBC's Shuster

Says reporter 'lied' to get him to talk about James O'Keefe case

(Newser) - Conservative provocateur Andrew Breitbart is escalating his feud with MSNBC's David Shuster with a column not-so-subtly headlined "How David Shuster Lied to Get Me to Appear on MSNBC." It follows a TV interview in which the two clashed over the motives of James O'Keefe in the phone tampering...

Cop: O'Keefe Wanted to Cut Phone Lines, Not Tap Them

They wanted to test Landrieu's out-of-touch reputation

(Newser) - James O'Keefe and his crew of intruders did not intend to tap Mary Landrieu’s phones, but rather disrupt service and gauge the office’s response to being cut off from constituents, a law enforcement official tells MSNBC . They were motivated by allegations that constituents had a hard time getting...

Glenn Beck Backpedals Away From ACORN Pimp

He rips filmmaker as 'insanely stupid'

(Newser) - Onetime buddy Glenn Beck yesterday joined the ranks of conservatives distancing themselves from James O'Keefe, young right-wing hero turned suspected Watergate-style spy. O'Keefe, 25, and 3 cohorts were hit with felony telephone tampering charges when they were busted dressed as repairmen in Sen. Mary Landrieu's New Orleans offices earlier this...

O'Keefe Hinted at New Orleans 'Project' Days Before Arrest

Told conservative think tank to 'stay tuned'

(Newser) - Four days before James O'Keefe was charged with tampering with Sen. Mary Landrieu's office phones, the conservative activist hinted that he had a new, high-profile "project going in New Orleans." Speaking about the mystery project at a conservative think tank last Thursday, O'Keefe "alluded to the fact...

Phone-Bust Cohort Worked for US Intelligence

ACORN sting's buddy recruited spies on college campus

(Newser) - One of the four men busted for allegedly tampering with the phones in Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu's New Orleans offices once helped train spies for an organization funded by US in telligence. Stanley Dai was the assistant director of the Intelligence Community Center of Academic Excellence at Trinity Washington University...

Landrieu Lashes US Attorney's Busted Son

Senator: Phone tampering arrest 'very disconcerting'

(Newser) - Sen. Mary Landrieu says the acting US attorney for western Louisiana should be "terribly disappointed" by his son's arrest in an alleged Watergate-style phone tampering plot at her New Orleans office. It's "very disconcerting" that Robert Flanagan, the son of a top federal official, is among the four...

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