eating disorder

Stories 41 - 59 | << Prev 

Docs Demand Crackdown on Pro-Anorexia Websites

Websites offer 'thinspiration' to anorexic, bulimic teens

(Newser) - Doctors are calling for urgent action to combat the growing number of websites promoting eating disorders as a lifestyle choice, the Independent reports. The sites encourage young women to become anorexic and bulimic, doctors warn, offering tips on how to deal with the pain of extreme hunger during starvation and...

Healthy Food Obsession Is Latest Eating Disorder Trend

(Newser) - A neurotic fixation on eating only healthy food is the latest eating disorder trend, reports the Guardian. Orthorexia nervosa affects both men and women. Othorexics are so obsessed with "pure" foods that they can become malnourished, say experts. They tend to be extremely proud of their "virtuous" behavior,...

Confessions of a Skater With an Eating Disorder

(Newser) - At the height of her figure skating career, former Four Continents Champion Jennifer Kirk had a secret. “Unfortunately, my secret wasn’t very unique,” she writes for True/Slant. “I had an eating disorder.” And so did many of her friends. “The skating world fostered the...

Ravaged Jackson Weighed Just 112 Lbs.

(Newser) - Michael Jackson was so emaciated that he weighed just 112 pounds when he died, reports the Sun. The coroner found nothing in the singer's stomach but pills, and his body was riddled with needle marks, presumably from narcotics injections. The battered star also bared the scars of endless plastic surgeries...

Teens Hide Eating Disorders With Vegetarianism: Study

Veggie diets can mask unhealthy behaviors

(Newser) - Many teens dabble with vegetarianism, and the choice is usually accepted by parents as a mild form of rebellion. But a new study suggests some use vegetarianism to hide an eating disorder, Time reports. Researchers found that 20% to 25% of current and former vegetarians had engaged in binge eating...

Anti-Bulimia Ads Catch College Women In Act
Anti-Bulimia Ads Catch College Women In Act

Anti-Bulimia Ads Catch College Women In Act

German firm gets edgy, plastering undersides of toilet seats

(Newser) - A German women’s advocacy group is employing crafty means to get bulimics’ attention, Animal New York reports: Pro Mädchen (translated as “for girls”) is smacking pink splatter stickers, with a phone number and the tagline “Bulimia is curable,” onto the undersides of toilet seats...

Friends Say LiLo's Too Skinny
 Friends Say LiLo's Too Skinny 

Friends Say LiLo's Too Skinny

Actress has dropped 14 pounds, and 6 dress sizes, while seeing Ronson

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan's dropped 14 pounds, and friends worry her skinny-mini girlfriend might be the reason, the Boston Globe reports. “Since falling in love with Samantha Ronson—who is naturally very slim—Lindsay seems desperate to lose more weight,” a source says. But Lohan, who's denied eating disorder rumors...

Has Airbrushing Gone Too Far?
 Has Airbrushing
 Gone Too Far? 

Has Airbrushing Gone Too Far?

Digital Barbie-fication of women called unhealthy trend

(Newser) - Shutterbugs have long altered pics, but now critics are cringing over the effects of airbrushing on young girls. French lawmakers have even approved a law against inciting "excessive thinness." But would such a move work in America? Maybe not, "but there are a whole lot of impressionable...

Blair's Deputy PM Reveals Bulimia Battle

Prescott links illness to heavy stress; urges sufferers to seek help

(Newser) - After publicizing his own stunning battle with bulimia yesterday, former British deputy prime minister John Prescott toured TV stations urging fellow sufferers to get help, reports the Times of London. “Do take advice, it can help you out of a lot of misery,” Prescott, 69, said in a...

France Moves to Outlaw 'Inciting' Thinness

Anti-eating disorder bill cites 'death messages,' could affect fashion

(Newser) - France’s lower legislative body today approved a law banning the promotion of anorexic behavior, the Guardian reports. Applicable to magazines, advertising and the web, the law can impose up to a $47,000 fine and two years in prison for “excessively inciting others to deprive themselves of food....

Drunkorexia On Rise in Women
Drunkorexia On Rise in Women

Drunkorexia On Rise in Women

Eating disorders increasingly blending with substance abuse, experts say

(Newser) - Drunkorexia isn't an official medical term, reports the New York Times, but the disorder is on a growing list of afflictions that combine societal acceptance of substance abuse and pressure to be thin. Drunkorexics, who are typically college-age women, shun food to prevent weight gain and to offset the calories...

Here Comes the Bride, No Matter the Cost

Women going to unhealthy extremes in bid to look perfect

(Newser) - Wedding dress? $1,500. Ceremony? $30,000. Rapid weight loss, whitened teeth, artificial tan, laser surgery and a shot of Botox? Apparently, priceless—but they may come at a health cost as brides-to-be try to look picture-perfect with "red carpet-worthy good looks" on their wedding day. Such extremes can...

Diabetic Dieters Take Big Risks
Diabetic Dieters Take Big Risks

Diabetic Dieters Take Big Risks

Skipping insulin as weight-loss technique leads to early death

(Newser) - Psychologists studying eating habits in type 1 diabetics have found that women who cut back on their insulin as a weight management tactic—and 30% do—triple their chances of dying young. Women who restrict their insulin use have higher rates of kidney disease and foot problems, and die on...

Anorexia Linked to Hormones in Womb

Study of mixed-sex twins suggest hormones tied to females may trigger disease

(Newser) - Nobody's knows exactly why women are far more likely to develop anorexia than men, but hormones released in the womb could be the cause, according to a new study in the Archives of General Psychiatry. Researchers have found that men with a female twin are more at risk of developing...

Fashion Urged to Model Health
Fashion Urged to Model Health

Fashion Urged to Model Health

Inquiry recommends random drug tests, no under-16s on runway

(Newser) - Vulnerable young models should be subject to mandatory health checks and backstage drug testing, a British Fashion Council study said today, citing "startling" evidence  of their lack of education about health problems and eating disorders. Models would have to provide a signed health certificate from a doctor experienced in...

'Superwomen' Often Anorexic
'Superwomen' Often Anorexic

'Superwomen' Often Anorexic

Pressure on girls to be 'perfect' increases risk of eating disorders

(Newser) - The driving need to be perfect—or "Superwoman" syndrome—puts girls as young as 13 at a higher risk of developing an eating disorder, reports the Independent. "Superwomen want the perfect life. No matter how well they're doing, they never feel quite good enough," says one researcher.

Pro-Anorexia Vids Draw Ire
Pro-Anorexia Vids Draw Ire

Pro-Anorexia Vids Draw Ire

(Newser) - Advocates for people with eating disorders are calling on social networking sites like MySpace and FaceBook to bar "thinspiration" videos—movies of anorexics showing off their alarmingly underweight bodies to encourage others to emulate them. One MySpace pro-anorexia group with over 1,000 members boasts that it wants "...

Britain Bans Tiny Models
Britain Bans
Tiny Models

Britain Bans Tiny Models

Girls under 16 chased off the catwalk as UK attempts to fight size-zero modeling

(Newser) - The British fashion industry has nixed runway and photoshoot models under 16, in a response to controversies over uber-thin girls literally dying to model. Two South American models died from malnutrition and anorexia last year, piquing concerns about the influence of "size-zero" modeling on young girls. The industry did...

Men With Eating Disorders Lack Treatment

Up to 25% of anorexics and 40% of bulemics are male

(Newser) - Men affected by eating disorders have few options—with research, diagnosis, and treatment all geared towards women. A new study reveals that a quarter of all anorexics in the US are men, as are up to 40% of all binge eaters. "Society sees this as a girl's disease,"...

Stories 41 - 59 | << Prev 
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