eating disorder

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Bulimia Killed Amy Winehouse: Brother

Alex Winehouse says eating disorder 'left her weaker and more susceptible'

(Newser) - In his first full interview, Amy Winehouse's brother Alex reveals what he thinks really killed the singer: bulimia. She began suffering from the eating disorder in her late teens and was never able to free herself from it, he tells the Guardian . "We all knew she was doing...

Amanda Bynes Reveals Secret Struggle

Says she has eating disorder, rants against gossip outlets on Twitter

(Newser) - Gossip outlets have been publishing pictures of Amanda Bynes looking disheveled, not well, and all around odd. And her reactions haven't done much to combat the consensus that she's losing it. First she threatened to sue , then she claimed there's an Amanda Bynes lookalike running around New...

Kate Moss Dishes on Johnny Depp, Heroin
 Kate Moss 
 Dishes on 
 Johnny Depp, 
vanity fair

Kate Moss Dishes on Johnny Depp, Heroin

Also opens up about anorexia in 'Vanity Fair' interview

(Newser) - Kate Moss really opens up in a new Vanity Fair interview, discussing all those years of “heroin chic” talk and anorexia rumors, her relationship with Johnny Depp, and more. Highlights:
  • On heroin chic: “I had never even taken heroin—it was nothing to do with me at all.

12 Celebs Who Battled Eating Disorders

Two of them got down to just 70 pounds

(Newser) - Katie Couric revealed last week that she struggled with bulimia in her early 20s—and sadly, she's far from the only celebrity to have battled an eating disorder. The Huffington Post rounds up a dozen:
  • Jessica Alba: She once said that she had trouble adjusting to "a woman'

Katie Couric: I Was Bulimic
 Katie Couric: I Was Bulimic 

Katie Couric: I Was Bulimic

Reveals eating disorder struggle during interview with Demi Lovato

(Newser) - Katie Couric seems to have it all, but during her early 20s she battled with an eating disorder, she says on today's edition of her daytime show, in a confession picked up by the New York Post . "I wrestled with bulimia all through college and for two years...

Eating Disorders Plague Older Women, Too
 Eating Disorders 
 Plague Older 
 Women, Too 
study says

Eating Disorders Plague Older Women, Too

Time to stop thinking it's a youth problem: researchers

(Newser) - It's commonly believed that eating disorders "end at age 25," says an expert—but new research shows that's far from the case. Indeed, some 13.3% of women 50 and older reported battling symptoms of such disorders. It's an issue "all doctors need to...

Vogue Bans Too-Skinny Models
 Vogue Bans Too-Skinny Models 

Vogue Bans Too-Skinny Models

Magazine also pledges not to use models under age 16

(Newser) - Vogue magazine, perhaps the world's top arbiter of style, is making a statement about its own models: Too young and too thin is no longer in. The 19 editors of Vogue magazines around the world made a pact to project the image of healthy models, according to a Conde...

Now Banned in Israel: Underweight Models

Models with a BMI below 18.5 can't be used in photo shoots

(Newser) - In a bid to fight the spread of eating disorders, Israel has banned underweight models from local advertising and now requires publications to disclose when they use altered images to make models appear thinner. The law, passed yesterday, appears to be the first legislation of its kind by any government....

No More Pro-Anorexia Blogs on Tumblr

Blogging site to enforce new content policy

(Newser) - Tumblr is taking a stand against blogs that promote self-harm. When a new content policy goes into effect, likely next week, pro-anorexia blogs or others that urge readers to self-injure will no longer be allowed on the blogging site, according to a staff post today. The Awl and New York'...

Woman Eats Only Pizza for 31 Years
Woman Eats Only Pizza
for 31 Years
in case you missed it

Woman Eats Only Pizza for 31 Years

Selective Eating Disorder puts Londoner's health at risk

(Newser) - Turns out eating cheese-and-tomato pizzas for 31 years isn't very good for you—who knew. But a British woman says she can't face anything else on her plate without getting the shakes, ANI reports. “I’m actually scared of fruit and veg," says London resident Claire...

Eating Disorders Hit 500K Teens

3% of teens affected by binge-eating, bulimia, or anorexia

(Newser) - An eating disorder study being billed as the largest analysis of US teens ever is returning some depressingly large numbers: More than half a million have had an eating disorder, according to government research. Binge-eating was the most common disorder, found in 1.5% of teens studied, followed by bulimia...

Too Much Facebook May Lead to Eating Disorder
Too Much Facebook
May Lead to Eating Disorder
study says

Too Much Facebook May Lead to Eating Disorder

Study: The more time teen girls spend on network, greater their chances

(Newser) - The eating-disorder blame game has a new player: Facebook. A study has found that the more time teen girls spend on the social network, the greater their risk of developing anorexia or bulimia. The researchers asked 248 girls, ages 12 to 19, about their Internet and TV habits, and eating...

Picky Eaters May Have Disorder
 Picky Eaters 
 May Have Disorder 

Picky Eaters May Have Disorder

These adults are not being 'willful and bratty,' says researcher

(Newser) - Not a fan of sushi, brussels sprouts, or any type of bread that's not white? You may not be just a picky eater—you may have an actual disorder, LiveScience reports. Researchers studying finicky adult eaters have identified a condition called "selective eating disorder," and they think people...

Anorexic Women Have More Abortions
 Anorexic Women 
 Have More Abortions 

Anorexic Women Have More Abortions

...and many more unplanned pregnancies

(Newser) - Contrary to popular belief, anorexic women continue to menstruate, and retain the ability to conceive and give birth. The widely-held belief that they can't, however, may be behind a striking finding by obstetrics researchers: anorexic women are a lot more likely to have unplanned pregnancies and abortions. In a recent...

Anorexia Starts by Age 10 for Half of Sufferers

Those with the disease are getting younger and younger

(Newser) - Anorexia is typically thought of as a disease that strikes teens, but new research shows that the suffering begins at a much younger age for many. A British survey of 250 sufferers found that 53% said their issues began at age 10 or younger; 29% said they were between the...

For Some, Veganism Hides an Eating Disorder

Those who undertake diet to lose weight are at risk

(Newser) - For most vegans, their diet is a way to avoid animal products, but for some, it’s become a way to avoid food—period. Veganism is becoming more popular in America, where 5% of the population follows the no-animal-products diet. Most of those people are making a healthy choice, writes...

Biggest Loser Finalist: It Gave Me an Eating Disorder

Weight loss show disregards safety, contestant says

(Newser) - The Biggest Loser tells tales of disciplined self-improvement, but one finalist has some horror stories to tell. In an interview with Golda Poretsky surfaced by Jezebel , season 3's Kai Hibbard says the brutal regimen and pressure from the show's staff endangered her health and gave her an eating...

The Making of a Plus-Sized Model

Kate Dillon talks about eating too little, and too much

(Newser) - Before she became the face of plus-sized modeling, Kate Dillon had a “nontrivial eating disorder.” A size 4, she was highly sought for “normal” modeling gigs thanks to her beautiful face, but “I felt so fat all the time,” she says in a profile in...

Kate Moss Slammed for Anorexic Motto

'Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels,' says supermodel

(Newser) - Kate Moss has drawn fire from public health groups for saying she lives by the motto "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” The phrase is common on pro-anorexia websites. Advocates slammed the comment as “dangerous” and “unhelpful," the BBC reports. A Moss representative says...

Plus-Size Model: Anorexia Felt Like 'the Flu Times 10'

Crystal Renn recalls battle back to good health

(Newser) - In her teens, Crystal Renn punished herself relentlessly in pursuit of her dream of becoming a model. After years of self-inflicted hell, the 5-foot-9, 165-pound Renn has found success by being herself—she is now the world's highest-paid plus-size model. Time chats with her:
  • On her introduction to modeling: "

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