
10 Stories

Rescued Caver Speaks Out
Rescued Caver Speaks Out

Rescued Caver Speaks Out

Mark Dickey is looking forward to getting back in a cave after harrowing ordeal in Turkey

(Newser) - The American cave researcher rescued after becoming seriously ill while deep, deep underground is out of the hospital and hoping to return to caving soon, he tells NPR . "It's great to be above ground and mobile," 40-year-old Mark Dickey said in an interview from Ankara, Turkey. Doctors...

After Trickiest of Rescues, US Caver Is Safe

Mark Dickey is back above ground after getting sick in Turkey cave

(Newser) - After what organizers say was one of the biggest and most complicated underground rescues of all time, US cave explorer Mark Dickey was brought back to the surface safely early Tuesday local time. Dickey, 40, fell ill while mapping unknown pathways in a cavern in Turkey more than a week...

Marion Smith Explored an Unmatched 8K Caves
No One Entered More Caves
Than Marion Smith

No One Entered More Caves Than Marion Smith

Tennessee man who 'wanted to create an adventure' daily dies at 80

(Newser) - "If caving were a professional sport," a Sports Illustrated profile said in 2003, Marion Smith "would possess the lifetime stats of a Wilt Chamberlain or Ted Williams." Smith—who is thought to have gone into more caves than any other human being ever, per the New ...

Rescuers Hope Boys Can Walk Out of Flooded Cave

They're 'racing against water,' governor says

(Newser) - The weekend weather forecast has provided an ominous deadline for rescuers scrambling to get 12 young soccer players and their coach out of a flooded cave in northern Thailand. The area has been dry for days but heavy rains are expected to hit soon, potentially driving water levels up, thwarting...

Explorer Rescued From Peru Cave After 12 Days

Cecilio Lopez fell, injured back deep inside Inti Machay cave

(Newser) - A Spanish speleologist has been rescued in Peru after spending 12 days trapped about 1,300 feet underground in a cave in Peru's remote Amazon region. Cecilio Lopez was hurt when he fell about 16 feet inside the Inti Machay cave in a ravine in Leimebamba district. Rescuers brought...

Guy Saved From Cave Has 728 People to Thank

After 12 days, he escapes Germany's deepest cave

(Newser) - After one of the most challenging cave rescues ever to take place, an injured German man has been brought out of the country's deepest cave alive. Johann Westhauser, a 52-year-old physicist and cave researcher, was badly hurt in a rock fall almost 4,000 feet below the surface, and...

Paul Krugman on Budget Deal: What Happened to the Old Barack Obama?

 Barack Obama Has Gone AWOL 
paul krugman

Barack Obama Has Gone AWOL

Not only is Obama caving to the GOP—he's 'celebrating' it, writes Paul Krugman

(Newser) - Barack Obama has left the building. Granted, with Republicans running amok, all Obama really has is “the bully pulpit,” but incredibly, “he’s using it to reinforce his enemies’ narrative,” writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . Maybe he did have to make big concessions...

Utah Cave to Be Sealed with Man's Body Inside

Recovering body from Nutty Putty cave too dangerous

(Newser) - The cave where a spelunker died this week is to be permanently sealed off with his body inside, officials say. John Jones, a 26-year-old med student, died after being stuck in Utah's Nutty Putty cave for 28 hours and police say it will be too dangerous to recover his body....

Caver Who Died Stayed in 'Good Spirits'

Nutty Putty crevice was the site of successful rescues in 2004

(Newser) - The spelunker who died after being stuck upside-down in a Utah cave for 28 hours became wedged in exactly the same spot where two others had gotten stuck in recent years. In those cases, both in 2004, rescuers saved the trapped explorers. "Caving isn't generally considered to be a...

Utah Caver Stuck Upside-Down Dies

Rescuers fail to free man in crevice 150 feet underground

(Newser) - Frantic efforts by dozens of rescuers failed to save a man stuck upside down in a Utah cave. The caver, 26, died after spending 28 hours upside down in the Nutty Putty cave, wedged into a crevice 150 feet below ground so tightly that rescuers couldn't pull him out or...

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