Three Percenter

7 Stories

'Three Percenters' Members Charged in Capitol Riot
In Capitol Riot
Case, 2 Big Firsts

In Capitol Riot Case, 2 Big Firsts

Three Percenters members charged with conspiracy; also first charges for those who helped plan events

(Newser) - Dozens of members of two prominent far-right organizations—the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers—have already been slammed with conspiracy charges surrounding the Capitol riot on Jan. 6. Add a third group onto that pile. Prosecutors filed a federal indictment on Thursday accusing six California men—including four said...

Police: Possible Plot to Attack Capitol Tomorrow

Conspiracy theorists believe Trump will be sworn in again Thursday

(Newser) - Donald Trump will not be sworn in as the 19th president of the United States on Thursday, but Capitol Police officials say they have received intelligence that conspiracy theorists who believe otherwise might be planning to storm the Capitol again. "We have obtained intelligence that shows a possible plot...

Gunfire Erupts as Black, Right-Wing Militias Face Off

Hundreds of them converge in downtown Louisville

(Newser) - Three people were hit by gunfire Saturday as armed militia groups converged in Louisville, Kentucky—but the shooting was apparently accidental, the Courier Journal reports. At the tense scene, a Black militia group called the NFAC (the "Not F**king Around Coalition") came within site of Three Percenters, a...

New Patriots Kicker Will Cover Controversial Tattoo

Justin Rohrwasser's tattoo has been adopted by a right-wing militia group

(Newser) - New Patriots kicker Justin Rohrwasser says a tattoo on his arm is not representative of a loosely organized right-wing militia group that has adopted the symbol. Rohrwasser, who played at Rhode Island and Marshall, was taken 159th overall in the fifth round of the draft Saturday. He said in a...

They Prepped for Doomsday, Got Foiled by Burglars

Small arsenal stolen from 'prepper' Teena Brayen's family in Ohio

(Newser) - A Cleveland couple was ready for the apocalypse—but apparently not for thieves. Teena Brayen says burglars broke into her home early Tuesday while her family was sleeping and made off with five shotguns, a high-powered rifle, a pellet gun, $1,000 worth of ammunition, 12 machetes, smoke grenades, a...

House Dems Get Extra Security

Capitol police on case after post-health-vote threats

(Newser) - The rising threats against a number of House Democrats in the wake of Sunday’s health-reform vote has authorities beefing up security for them, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer says. Capitol Police and the FBI are looking at at least 10 representatives, the Huffington Post reports; Reps. Bart Stupak (Mich.),...

Ala. Blogger Hails 'Window War' Against Dem Offices

Glass smashed at least five places across US

(Newser) - Rocks have been flying through the windows of Democratic offices across the US, and one Alabama-based blogger is taking credit for what he calls the “window war” against the big-government supporters of health reform. “I guess that guy’s one of ours,” Mike Vanderboegh told the Rochester ...

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