Lindsay Lohan jail

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LiLo Going Back to Jail for 'Lying to Police'

Judge will revoke her probation, sources say

(Newser) - Looks like Lindsay Lohan is headed back to the big house. Insiders tell TMZ that she'll be charged with lying to a police officer about her Porsche accident last June. Lohan claimed she wasn't driving when the car hit an 18-wheeler in Santa Monica, but authorities aren't...

LiLo's Lie Could Land Her in Jail

Lohan to be charged with lying to police in connection with June crash

(Newser) - It could be back to the slammer for Lindsay Lohan. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ that Lohan will be charged with lying to police in connection with a June car accident as soon as this week. The troubled starlet initially told cops she wasn't driving her Porsche when it...

LiLo Freed After 4.5 Hours in Jail

That's enough time to learn a lesson, right?

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan checked into jail at 8:48pm last night to serve her 30-day sentence … and promptly checked out again less than five hours later, around 1:30am, TMZ reports. The gossip site had previously noted that LiLo would most likely be released after mere hours due to prison...

LiLo Gets 30 Days in Slammer
 LiLo Gets 30 Days in Slammer 

LiLo Gets 30 Days in Slammer

...Except sheriffs say she'll actually only serve 6

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan is officially going to jail—but not for very long. Judge Stephanie Sautner sentenced the actress/ aspiring Playboy model to 30 days behind bars today, after she admitted to violating her probation by skipping therapy sessions at the Downtown Women’s Center. But the county sheriff’s department...

Lohan Taken Away in Cuffs After Probation Revoked

Judge orders her to work in the morgue

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan was taken out of court in handcuffs today after a furious Judge Stephanie Sautner revoked her probation. Lohan’s bail bondsman will have her out on bail later today, but the actress could now wind up spending up to 18 months in prison; the judge set a hearing...

Lindsay Lohan Begins House Arrest Sentence
 LiLo Begins 
 House Arrest 

LiLo Begins House Arrest

Lindsay Lohan will serve sentence of roughly 35 days

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan arrived bright and early at LA's Lynwood Jail today to surrender for a house arrest sentence related to the theft of a necklace , according to TMZ . The 24-year-old actress will be cooped up in her townhouse for roughly 35 days with the electronic ankle bracelet she was...

Lindsay's 'Crime Wave' Costs California Millions

Experts estimate that taxpayers are footing a giant bill

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan's "one-woman crime wave," as some in LA's legal community have called it, seems like little more than the stuff of tabloids. But there is a dark side, Fox News points out: Experts estimate that the former actress' legal foibles are costing cash-strapped California millions of dollars....

Judge to Lindsay Lohan: Plea Deal Means Jail

But she's expected to accept the deal anyway

(Newser) - Looks like Lindsay Lohan is going to wind up in jail after all, if even for a brief spell, reports TMZ . Prosecutors offered her a plea deal today—reportedly for six months behind bars—on charges that she stole a necklace . The judge made clear that if she accepts, she...

Broke LiLo Barely Made Bail
 Broke LiLo Barely Made Bail 

Broke LiLo Barely Made Bail

She almost had to stay in prison for lack of cash

(Newser) - Just about as quickly as she was sent back to jail , Lindsay Lohan was sprung from it —but she almost wasn’t. The broke actress’s bail was set at $300,000, and she “hasn’t earned that sort of money in a long time,” a source...

Lindsay to Check Herself Into Rehab

She's finally ready!

(Newser) - The next stop on the Lindsay Lohan Jail-Rehab-Jail train seems to be ... yep, rehab. TMZ has learned that LiLo decided to check herself into rehab, and will be entering a live-in facility outside LA sometime this week. The troubled actress has reportedly been telling friends that she's finally ready to...

Lohan Granted Bail, Sprung From Jail

Judge overrules earlier decision to lock her up for a month

(Newser) - It might be time for revolving doors at the California jail recently inhabited by Lindsay Lohan: Barely nine hours after a judge all but locked her away and threw away the key, another granted bail, TMZ reports. The actress posted $300,000, and walked out the door of Century Regional...

Judge Sends Lindsay Lohan Back to Jail

Troubled starlet denied bail after failing drug tests

(Newser) - No mercy this time: A judge sent Lindsay Lohan back to jail today after she failed two drug tests. She could be there for a month, until her next court appearance on Oct. 22, reports the AP . Lohan looked shocked when the judge denied bail and ordered her taken into...

Arrest Warrant Issued for Lohan
 Arrest Warrant Issued for Lohan 

Arrest Warrant Issued for Lohan

Hopefully, LiLo's ready to face those consequences

(Newser) - We can't think of many, but we're sure Lindsay Lohan's made better life decisions than dabbling with cocaine and meth while on probation. La Lohan's parole has now been revoked and an arrest warrant issued, reports TMZ, though the gossip site notes that the warrant is being held until the...

LiLo Fails Drug Test, May Return to Jail

Troubled starlet's probation terms call for 30 more days for flunked test

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan has flunked a court-ordered drug test and may be headed back to jail, as mandated under the terms of her probation, E! reports . The troubled starlet, sentenced in July to 90 days in jail on a probation violation—she served 2 weeks , then went to rehab—is participating...

LiLo Leaves Jail for Rehab
 LiLo Leaves Jail for Rehab 

LiLo Leaves Jail for Rehab

She's got 24 hours to get to rehab

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan left her southern California jail cell shortly after midnight early this morning and was to head to rehab with mom Dina. Los Angeles Superior Court Marsha Revel ordered that Lohan report to a treatment facility within 24 hours rather than allow her time to unwind first. She was...

Bipolar Lindsay Lohan's Hooked on Meth

Jailbird starlet will enter rehab for addiction

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan will undergo treatment for addiction to methamphetamine and bipolar disorder when she enters rehab after she's released from jail, TMZ reports . Meth and opiates are Lohan's "drugs of choice," a source says. The troubled actress, who's proving to be a high-maintenance inmate as she serves 90...

Even in Jail, LiLo Plays the Diva
 Even in Jail, LiLo Plays the Diva 

Even in Jail, LiLo Plays the Diva

Mom complains starlet's treated like 'common criminal'

(Newser) - Reports of Lindsay Lohan’s diva behavior in jail are coming out, but diva behavior behind bars is just a bit different from, say, backstage at a concert. A fellow inmate tells Star Lindsay “freaked out” when she didn’t get another blanket, Perez Hilton reports. “She kept...

Fellow Inmates Sick of LiLo
 Fellow Inmates Sick of LiLo 
mean girls dept.

Fellow Inmates Sick of LiLo

Starlet may get out of jail today

(Newser) - Inmates at a California women's prison are finding that being locked up with Lindsay Lohan is cruel and unusual punishment, according to a relative of one of Lohan's fellow prisoners. "All the inmates are sick of Lindsay," she tells People . Like if she even moves, they put the...

LiLo Under 24-Hour Watch: Tab
 LiLo Under 24-Hour Watch: Tab 

LiLo Under 24-Hour Watch: Tab

Ex Samantha Ronson visits troubled starlet in jail

(Newser) - If the UK tabs are to be believed, Lindsay Lohan is under 24-hour watch in jail because officials are concerned about scratches on her arms. “They are suitably worried by the marks to confiscate her prison-issue toiletries,” a source tells the Mirror . More from the world of Lohan:...

LiLo's Plan: Write Grammy-Worthy Album

 LiLo's Plan: Write 
plus: dad pulls a mel gibson?

LiLo's Plan: Write Grammy-Worthy Album

Meanwhile, Father of the Year accused of assault

(Newser) - The Delusional Quote of the Day comes to us from a source “very close” to Lindsay Lohan, who tells PopEater LiLo will be spending her time in jail writing music…and the resulting album “will definitely get nominated for a Grammy.” For more on her inevitable musical...

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