super PACs

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The 'Sheldon Primary' Is What's Wrong With Politics

Dan Balz laments the influence of the super-rich mega-donors on elections

(Newser) - If you want to know why Americans are so disgusted with the political system, take a gander toward Las Vegas, where would-be Republican presidential candidates are lining up to kiss the ring of Sheldon Adelson . "Adelson has become a symbol of the new system of financing presidential elections,"...

Liberal Super PAC Behind Mitchell Recording

 Super PAC 
report says

Super PAC Behind McConnell Recording

A top state Democrat says members of Project Kentucky are responsible

(Newser) - So just who recorded a Mitch McConnell strategy session in which he and his aides came up with all kinds of imaginative ways to go after Ashley Judd ? Two members of a liberal Super PAC called Project Kentucky, reports public radio station WFPL . And this was no James Bond-style...

Latest Super PAC to Push ... Bearded Candidates

Those with goatees will be considered; mustache only? Forget it

(Newser) - At last, a super PAC that can be described as hirsute—it's Bearded Entrepreneurs for the Advancement of a Responsible Democracy, aka BEARD, a political action committee dedicated to advancing bearded candidates. Founded by Jonathan Sessions and Andy Shapero, BEARD is as quirky as you might imagine: A planned...

Carville Raising Money for Pro-Hillary Super PAC

He's the first of the family's 'inner circle' to do so

(Newser) - Count James Carville among those who really want Hillary Clinton to run for president in 2016. He's supporting Ready for Hillary PAC, a super PAC whose mission is to get Clinton into the race, the Washington Post reports. In an email Carville is sending today, he will ask other...

Why Rove&#39;s Move Will Backfire
 Why Rove's Move Will Backfire 
Nate Silver

Why Rove's Move Will Backfire

Nate Silver explains the flaw in his logic

(Newser) - Conservative activists and Nate Silver haven't always seen eye-to-eye, but they agree on one thing: Karl Rove's new super PAC backing establishment Republican candidates over Tea Party challengers is a bad idea. Of course, Silver's argument isn't ideological, it's mathematical. The problem, he points out...

GOP Super PAC Skewers Ashley Judd

Karl Rove group takes early shot as she ponders Senate run in Kentucky

(Newser) - Karl Rove has welcomed Ashley Judd into the world of high-stakes politics with an ad that concludes the actress is "an Obama-following radical, Hollywood liberal who is right at home here in Tennessee. I mean, Kentucky." Judd is considering a Senate run against Mitch McConnell in her native...

Rove Creates New PAC, Will Butt Heads With Tea Party

Predictably, many conservatives not happy

(Newser) - A big split in the Republican party? Karl Rove's new super PAC, the Conservative Victory Project, appears to be taking aim at Tea Partiers. The Victory Project, led by the same people who run American Crossroads, has the official aim of nominating "the most conservative candidate in the...

In Hillary's Corner: 2 Super PACs

George Washington University prof leads new group

(Newser) - Sure, she may not even run, but Hillary Clinton has already got a 2016 support network in place: Two super PACs are poised to fund a potential presidential run. The group "Ready for Hillary" filed with the Federal Election Commission on Friday, Politico reports, not long after "HillaryClintonSuperPAC"...

Colbert: How I Spent $773K in Super PAC Cash

It went to charity. It's what Ham Rove would have wanted

(Newser) - Legally, Stephen Colbert doesn't have to tell you what happened to the funds his super PAC raised, but last night he went ahead and did so anyway. Turns out the $773,704.83 was "anonymously" donated to the Ham Rove Memorial Fund, of which Colbert is, of course,...

States Skip FEC, Demand IDs of Nonprofit Donors

FEC gridlock prompts action

(Newser) - The Federal Election Commission is stuck in partisan gridlock—so states are taking nonprofit donor disclosure into their own hands. California this month called on an Arizona group to uncover the source of $11 million used for ballot measure fights; recent court cases in Idaho and Minnesota have forced political...

Colbert Quits Super PAC Game
 Colbert Quits 
 Super PAC Game 

Colbert Quits Super PAC Game

But learns how to keep the money

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert spent a lot of time hawking his super PAC, but in the end, he admits it was all for naught. And after taking all that money from "anonymous, scary donors," Colbert feared repercussions, he said on last night's Colbert Report. After trying to blame his...

Mystery Firm Donates Record $5.3M to GOP PAC

Biggest corporate donor of 2012 cycle

(Newser) - A somewhat murky outfit called Specialty Group has become the election's biggest corporate donor, handing $5.3 million to a conservative super PAC over the course of 10 days last month. But that's about all anyone knows about the company, founded just a month ago and based in...

Walmart Heir Gives Surprise $300K to Obama PAC

The Waltons are famously conservative

(Newser) - Expect the next Walton family reunion to be awkward: Samuel Rawlings Walton, grandson and namesake of the late Walmart founder, recently gave a $300,000 donation to a pro-Obama super PAC, reports the Washington Post . His grandfather was a well-known conservative, and several other Waltons have given big bucks to...

Bloomberg Launches a Super PAC

Ads will support gay rights, gun laws, and strong education

(Newser) - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is fed up with the current political climate, so he's launching his own super PAC to influence some change, reports the New York Times . His group will give up to $1 million apiece to candidates on both sides of the aisle who are behind...

Big Canadian Donation to Romney PAC Might Be Illegal

US subsidiary of Fairfax Financial Holdings gave $1M

(Newser) - Restore Our Future, a super PAC supporting Mitt Romney, may have broken the law by accepting a million-dollar donation from OdysseyRe, a Connecticut-based company that is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Canadian insurance giant Fairfax Financial Holdings, the Center for Public Integrity reports. Federal law prohibits any foreign national from "...

George Soros Gives $1M to Pro-Obama Super PAC

He adds another $500K for congressional Democrats

(Newser) - Need more proof that deep-pocketed Democrats are finally coming around to the notion of Super PACs? None other than George Soros announced this afternoon that he's giving $1 million to the pro-Obama Priorities USA Action and another $500,000 to a pair of Super PACs backing Democrats in Congress,...

At Long Last, Dems Giving to Super PACs

But they've got a long way to go to match GOP

(Newser) - After the Supreme Court paved the way for super PACs, many Democrats were uncomfortable with the idea of limitless political spending—but as Republican-backing groups rake in the cash, it seems reluctant Democrats are coming around. As of the beginning of September, more than 40 donors had given at least...

Romney Pinching Pennies on Ads

Obama backers outspend Mitt in key states

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and the Republicans have made plenty of big fundraising headlines over the summer—but with restrictions on political cash, Romney's already facing some financial hurdles . The indebted campaign is holding back on advertising spending at a time when the candidate may sorely need it. President Obama and...

Citizens United Anti-Obama Film Set to Bombard TV

'The Hope and the Change' airing on 12 stations

(Newser) - Coming to a dozen TV stations near you, for the next seven weeks: An hour-long film in which former Obama supporters talk about their disillusionment with the president. The Hope and the Change—directed by the same guy who made pro-Sarah Palin film The Undefeated —debuted at the Republican...

Rahm 'Quits' as Obama Chair to Raise Cash

As reports indicate Romney has raised $100M again

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel is officially resigning his role as an honorary Obama campaign chairman so that he can kickstart a major fundraising initiative to win big-money contributions for Democrats around the country, the Washington Post reports. Emanuel was a renowned fundraiser before running for office, and was one of the first...

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