Ron Paul 2012

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Newt Gringrich Promises to Stay 'Positive' at Iowa Debate
 Newt Gets Scrappy in Iowa 
gop debate

Newt Gets Scrappy in Iowa

Candidates attack Gingrich on policies, personal morals

(Newser) - Front-runner Newt Gingrich took a few licks but stood his ground tonight at the GOP presidential debate in Iowa, Politico reports. After Romney described himself as a businessman—not a politician like Gingrich—Newt fired back: "Let's be candid. The only reason you didn't become a career...

Ron Paul Could Get Obama Re-Elected
 Ron Paul 
 Could Get 
George Will

Ron Paul Could Get Obama Re-Elected

He could be spoiler as an independent: George Will

(Newser) - Ron Paul, who continues to poll well in several early voting states in the Republican primaries, is refusing to rule out a possible independent run for the presidency should he lose the GOP nomination. (“I’m not thinking about it because, look, I’m not doing badly right now,...

Gingrich Leads in 3 of 4 Early States

His surge in the polls continues

(Newser) - More polls, more good news for Newt Gingrich: He leads in three of the first four states to vote in a new CNN /Time survey. Here's the top three in each:
  • Iowa: Gingrich (33%), Romney (20), Paul (17)
  • New Hampshire: Romney (35), Gingrich (26), Paul (17)
  • South Carolina: Gingrich

Gingrich Clear Frontrunner in New Iowa Poll

Newt grabs 33%; Paul, Romney tied for 2nd with 18%

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich has widened his lead among likely caucus-goers in Iowa, according to the latest Washington Post / ABC poll. With Herman Cain out of the race, Gingrich now has the support of 33% of likely GOP voters, with Ron Paul and Mitt Romney tied for second place with 18%...

Gingrich Leaps to Trump's Defense

Someone wants an endorsement...

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich must really, really want that oh-so-important Donald Trump endorsement . After meeting with the Donald for almost an hour today, Gingrich defended Trump from Ron Paul's recent dig regarding the "circus-like atmosphere" of a Trump-hosted debate. Gingrich reminded those gathered that no lesser luminaries than a peanut...

Trump Rips Huntsman, Paul as 'Joke Candidates'

If GOP can't pick a winner, he'll step in

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman and Ron Paul made no bones about deriding the upcoming Donald Trump-moderated Republican debate; now, the Donald is firing back. The mogul has labeled the two men “joke candidates,” MSNBC reports. “Those two candidates have zero chance of being elected so it makes no...

500 Students to Spend Christmas With Ron Paul

Will campaign door-to-door in Iowa, New Hampshire

(Newser) - Some 500 college students will campaign in Iowa and New Hampshire over the holidays as part of “Christmas Vacation with Ron Paul.” The students will head door-to-door and make phone calls for the Texas congressman, the Houston Chronicle reports. “I firmly believe the next generation needs us...

Michele Bachmann on Newt Gingrich: He's a 'Memory Challenged Professor'
 Bachmann: Newt a 
 'Memory-Challenged Prof'

Bachmann: Newt a 'Memory-Challenged Prof'

Candidates begin fight for Cain supporters

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann thinks people "are going to be really sorry" to see the end of Herman Cain, but wasted no time today in courting his Tea Party backers , saying they would "come home," and ripping into current GOP frontrunner Newt Gingrich. "Professors don't like to...

Newt Gingrich Surges to No. 1 in Iowa Poll

Ron Paul in second, also gaining support

(Newser) - With less than a month to go until Iowa caucuses, the GOP nomination there is looking like a three-candidate race—and leading the way is Newt Gingrich, reports the Des Moines Register . Gingrich was the top choice of 25% of likely caucus voters in the latest Selzer & Co. poll,...

Ron Paul Skewers Gingrich in New Ad

It's called 'serial hypocrisy'

(Newser) - Dear Newt, Ron Paul would like to warmly welcome you to your new role as frontrunner, or at least almost-frontrunner, with this blistering new ad. It's called "Serial Hypocrisy," notes the Daily Caller , and it weaves together various clips (Gingrich talking health care with Nancy Pelosi, the...

Ron Paul Defrauds the 99%
 Ron Paul Defrauds the 99% 

Ron Paul Defrauds the 99%

Paul's populism is baloney, writes Gary Weiss of Salon

(Newser) - At a rally recently, Ron Paul was interrupted by Occupy Wall Street protesters chanting, “We are the 99%!” Paul quickly stepped in. “I’m very much involved with the 99,” he said. “I’ve been condemning the 1% because they’ve been ripping us off....

Is This Ron Paul&#39;s Moment?
 Is This Ron Paul's 

Is This Ron Paul's Moment?

Gail Collins admires Paul's consistency, but still concludes he has no chance

(Newser) - Most experts have written off Ron Paul's chances of getting the Republican nomination, but the steady libertarian candidate is "definitely having a moment," writes Gail Collins in the New York Times . Frank and up-front about his beliefs, Paul rarely dodges questions, even about hot-button subjects. "Paul...

And the Winner Is ...
 The GOP Debate Winner Is ... 

The GOP Debate Winner Is ...

But immigration comments could end up hurting Newt Gingrich

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich got more airtime than usual in last night's national security-focused Republican debate, and most pundits agree that his performance was good enough to win over plenty of undecided voters.
  • "Gingrich showed that he has been thinking about these issues for decades," writes Corbett B. Daly

Candidates Pick Fights on Patriot Act, Immigration

Republicans debate national security

(Newser) - The Republican candidates were back at it tonight, this time in Washington and this time with a focus on national security. (Click to read about Mitt Romney's first-name moment .) Some highlights:
  • Newt Gingrich: Strongly backed the Patriot Act. "All of us will be in danger for the

Republicans Fight Tears at Thanksgiving Forum

Gingrich, Santorum, Cain open up about religious struggles

(Newser) - The tears flowed today as Republican presidential candidates discussed their religious faith before an audience of social conservatives in Iowa, the AP reports. The free-flowing Thanksgiving Family Forum, sponsored by an Iowa Christian group, gave candidates a chance to open up—Newt Gingrich about his inner demons, Rick Santorum about...

GOP Debate's Clear Loser: CBS

Bachmann's torqued over misfired email, complaints abound

(Newser) - If Rick Perry was the big loser in Wednesday's debate , then last night's CBS/National Journal debate also has an official whipping boy: CBS. Michele Bachmann is ripping the network for the lack of time she got, and she's got ammunition in the form of an errant email...

One More Time: Republicans Debate Again
 Romney: Obama Win 
 Means Nukes for Iran 

Romney: Obama Win Means Nukes for Iran

Perry doesn't stumble, pokes fun at his previous gaffe

(Newser) - Unsparing in their criticism of President Obama, Republican presidential hopefuls also disagreed among themselves tonight on Afghanistan, waterboarding, and Iran. Some debate highlights:
  • Mitt Romney: "If we re-elect Barack Obama, Iran will have a nuclear weapon. And if you elect Mitt Romney, Iran will not have a nuclear weapon.

Things to Watch in Tonight's GOP Debate

Focus is on foreign policy

(Newser) - The Republican candidates are back at it tonight in a debate expected to focus on foreign policy. David A. Graham at the Daily Beast has five things to watch, including:
  • Artful dodges: Yeah, the theme is foreign policy, but given weak voter interest, expect the candidates to pivot toward national

'Oops': Perry Forgets Name of Agency He'd Abolish

He fumbles badly; Cain allegations get barely a mention

(Newser) - The GOP candidates debated again tonight, with a wonky focus almost exclusively on the economy, reports AP . Despite all the policy talk, though, it's a safe bet that a big story line will be a doozy of a blooper by Rick Perry: He promised to abolish three federal agencies—...

Ron Paul: Elizabeth Warren Is a Socialist

But he's not happy with the ultra-rich, either

(Newser) - To say that Ron Paul disagrees with Elizabeth Warren’s ideas about the “social contract” might be a bit of an understatement. Paul told ABC News today that Warren’s gone-viral rant , in which she argued that the rich should pay it forward because the government provided them with...

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