Herman Cain 2012

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Romney 1st, Cain 3rd in New Poll

Michele Bachmann's support evaporating

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has regained his undisputed frontrunner status in the race for the Republican nomination, according to the latest Fox poll. The poll of Republican primary voters found Romney holding steady at 23%, while Rick Perry was down 10% from a month ago, dropping into second place with 19%, Reuters...

Cain: Blacks "Brainwashed' Into Supporting Democrats

...and 'brainwashed into not being open minded'

(Newser) - Fiery words from Herman Cain tonight. The Republican presidential hopeful calls the black community politically "brainwashed" in an interview on CNN's The Situation Room. "African-Americans have been brainwashed into not being open minded, not even considering a conservative point of view," he argues. "I have...

Herman Cain Might Actually Deliver

 Herman Cain  
 Might Actually  
Dana Milbank

Herman Cain Might Actually Deliver

Are straw polls that different from primaries?

(Newser) - It’s getting tough to “separate fact from farce” in the GOP presidential debate, writes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post . Former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain, for instance, recently said he might actually use the goofy “I will deliver” motto SNL made up for him. So...

What We Learned in Florida's Straw Poll

Orthodoxy vies with electability among party faithful

(Newser) - Herman Cain's surprise win in Florida's straw poll yesterday shows how unpredictable this election cycle is—but it also provides some valuable lessons about that state of the GOP nation, reports the St. Petersburg Times .
  • The top GOP contender is still Not-Mitt-Romney: Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry—Republicans

Actually, Straw Poll Taught Us Nothing
 Straw Poll 
 Taught Us 

Actually, Straw Poll Taught Us Nothing

Florida straw poll too unrepresentative to be useful

(Newser) - The Florida straw poll yesterday that saw Herman Cain trounce the competition means ... well, nothing, writes Ben Adler in the Nation . Cain received 37% of the vote, compared to 15% for Rick Perry and 14% for Mitt Romney. "In the usual manner of these inane expectations’ games, the loss...

Debate a Lousy Night for Perry
 Debate a Lousy Night for Perry 

Debate a Lousy Night for Perry

Texas not looking ready for prime time, pundits say

(Newser) - After the third Republican debate in three weeks, one thing is becoming clear: Mitt Romney is pretty good at debating. Most pundits see Romney as the winner of last night's Fox News/Google debate , and believe fellow front-runner Rick Perry's performance should worry his campaign. The Texas governor "...

Show Time: 9 Republicans Face Off
 Romney: Two Rick Perrys  
 on Social Security
gop debate

Romney: Two Rick Perrys on Social Security

And Perry thinks there are two Mitt Romneys on lots of things, too

(Newser) - Republicans got back into debate mode tonight, with Rick Perry and Mitt Romney trading a series of sharp and sometimes sarcastic barbs at one another over Social Security, immigration, and other issues, reports AP . No fewer than nine candidates were on the stage, thanks to the invite extended to former...

Republican Debate: Rick Perry Makes His Debate Debut With Fellow GOP Candidates in California
 Perry, Romney Tee Off 
gop debate

Perry, Romney Tee Off

Texas governor makes his presidential debate debut

(Newser) - Rick Perry made his debate debut tonight, and it's clear the new frontrunner is happy to mix it up. He and Mitt Romney went after each other with gusto, notes AP , as evidenced by an early exchange: After Perry criticized Romney's record of creating jobs in Massachusetts, Romney...

Bachmann Wins Ames Straw Poll

Ron Paul finishes second, Pawlenty third; Perry gets 718 write-ins

(Newser) - Rick Perry may have cast a big shadow over the Republican field today, but Michele Bachmann had a pretty good day, too: She won the Ames straw poll, with 4,823 votes of the nearly 17,000 cast, reports Politico . Ron Paul finished a close second (4,671), followed by...

Cain's Inspiring Quote Is From ... Pokémon Movie?

Or more precisely, from Donna Summer's closing song

(Newser) - Herman Cain signed off last night's debate with this quote: "A poet once said, 'Life can be a challenge, life can seem impossible, but it's never easy when there's so much on the line.'" The inspirational poet? Daily Intel is on the case:...

Mitt Romney Unscathed by Iowa Debate
 in Iowa Debate 


Romney Unscathed in Iowa Debate

Front-runner stays above the fray as Minnesotans clash

(Newser) - Last night's GOP debate in Iowa was a testy affair, but Mitt Romney managed to stay above the fray and his front-runner status still isn't in doubt—at least until Rick Perry enters the race, pundits say.
  • "Neither the candidates nor the moderators did much to draw

GOP Candidates Square Off in Iowa

Ames debate much feistier than last go-round

(Newser) - Eight GOP hopefuls castigated President Obama and each other tonight in a frequently testy debate in Ames, Iowa. Tim Pawlenty and Michele Bachmann were especially hostile to each other early, while Mitt Romney largely avoided any one-on-one battles and focused on the president. Overshadowing the debate: News that Rick Perry,...

Herman Cain: We Should Be Able to Ban Mosques

Presidential contender says he's not discriminating

(Newser) - Herman Cain today drew another line in the sand against Muslims, telling Fox News Sunday that American communities should be able to ban mosques from being built. "Islam combines church and state," he said. "They're using the church part of our First Amendment to infuse their...

Cain: Tenn. Mosque Infringes on Religious Freedom

GOP contender thinks it will spread Shariah law

(Newser) - Surprise, surprise: Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain is not a fan of the controversial mosque proposed in Tennessee . Cain says the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, which has been protested as well as challenged in court, "isn't an innocent mosque," but is rather "another way to try...

Hermain Cain, Gospel Singer
 Hermain Cain, 
 Gospel Singer 

Hermain Cain, Gospel Singer

Yes, he actually has an album from 15 years ago

(Newser) - Just when you thought the Republican presidential contest couldn’t get any stranger, we have breaking news: Herman Cain has a gospel album. That’s right, the Daily Caller today discovered an album online bearing the GOP hopeful's distinctive baritone. Cain's camp hasn’t commented, but Dave Weigel...

Top Cain Staffers Jump Ship

Cite lack of commitment to Iowa, New Hampshire

(Newser) - Despite an impressive third-place showing in Iowa polls, Herman Cain staffers are running for the hills—though his campaign insists it’s no “Newt Gingrich situation.” Cain’s organizational director for Iowa and his New Hampshire campaign director have both quit over their candidate’s limited engagement with...

Gingrich's 'Scary' Bash Against Islam Reverberating

Debate soundbite sparks outrage

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's Islamaphobic soundbite in Monday’s GOP debate has given pundits and bloggers something to buzz about. When Herman Cain was asked about his earlier comments that he wouldn’t allow a Muslim in his administration, or that they should take an extra loyalty oath, Gingrich jumped in...

Bachmann, Romney Score as Debate's 'Big Winners'

Bachmann impressed while Romney held firm, say pundits

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and, more surprisingly, Michele Bachmann looked like the big winners in last night's Republican debate in New Hampshire, analysts say.
  • Bachmann, who announced her candidacy during the debate , was "at ease and forceful without looking at all crazy or out-of-control," writes EJ Dionne Jr. at

GOP Hopefuls Target Obama, Not Each Other

Rivals seem united at New Hampshire debate

(Newser) - Seven rivals for the 2012 Republican nomination took to the stage in New Hampshire for a debate tonight, but their focus was on attacking President Obama, not trying to score points off each other. Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Tim Pawlenty, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Michele Bachmann—who...

A Cheat Sheet to Tonight's GOP Debate

Among the things to watch for: Will Weiner make an appearance?

(Newser) - Tonight’s New Hampshire debate marks the “informal kickoff” to the 2012 GOP race, with nearly all the major candidates appearing. Joshua Green of the Atlantic breaks down the seven things to watch for:
  • Romney in the lead? He’s topping the polls; will he shine in this performance?

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