Jay Leno

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Late-Night Mess Is Our Fault

 Mess Is 
 Our Fault 

Late-Night Mess Is Our Fault

When you can Google what's going on, why watch Tonight Show ?

(Newser) - It’s fun to point fingers, but the “late-night fratricide” at NBC isn't Jeff Zucker's fault, Leno's, or Conan's: It's ours. The real culprit is our own disaffection with traditional TV, writes David Carr, who's been following the fracas closely—on his computer. We're so bombarded by news that...

SNL Jabs at Conan, Jay
 SNL Jabs at Conan, Jay 

SNL Jabs at Conan, Jay

But it's Larry King who's the brunt of most of sketch's jokes

(Newser) - With NBC's late-night stars smacking each other around all week, Saturday Night Live could hardly wait to get its own licks in on Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien—one of its own alums. But, as David Itzkoff notes in the New York Times , given SNL's ties to NBC's late night,...

10 Ways the Golden Globes Beat the Oscars

Food, drink, and fashion flubs start awards season off right

(Newser) - Awards season unofficially begins with tonight's Golden Globes ceremony, an alcohol-addled free-for-all that makes the Oscar telecast feel like a prayer meeting. Breeanna Hare of CNN runs down 10 reasons the Hollywood Foreign Press Association's shindig beats the Academy Awards:
  • Booze: "The Globes would not be the Globes if

As the End Nears, O'Brien's Ratings Soar

Nation of jobless tunes in to watch him jab at NBC execs

(Newser) - Conan O'Brien is about to be out of a job, and his bitter cracks on NBC execs are doing what his show did not—viewership has soared. O'Brien's ratings have been rising through the week, and Tonight ratings Friday were 50% higher than they've been this season. O'Brien beat out...

Conan Trashes NBC on Way to $30M Payout

'They think I’m such an idiot they now want me to run the network'

(Newser) - Conan O'Brien kept the NBC insults flowing last night, even as agents and lawyers were said to be putting finishing touches on a $30 million payday from the network for his giving up the Tonight Show to Jay Leno. "By the time you see this," he joked to...

Leno? Conan? Bah! Bring Back Arsenio

 Leno? Conan? 
 Bah! Bring 
 Back Arsenio 

Leno? Conan? Bah! Bring Back Arsenio

(Newser) - Jay Leno failed at 10pm, but one host could make that time slot work: Arsenio Hall. For one thing, prime time needs some color. Minorities have made some inroads on the late-night schedule, from BET’s Mo’Nique Show to Fox’s Wanda Sykes Show, “but let’s be...

NBC Exec Calls Conan 'Chicken-Hearted and Gutless'
 NBC Exec Calls Conan 
 'Chicken-Hearted and Gutless' 

NBC Exec Calls Conan 'Chicken-Hearted and Gutless'

Dick Ebersol clearly Team Jay Leno in 'Tonight Show' flap

(Newser) - Though his fellow comedians are lashing out at Jay Leno, the comedian at least has the NBC brass on his side. Conan O’Brien is “chicken-hearted and gutless” for blaming his “astounding failure” on Leno, says Dick Ebersol, chairman of NBC Universal Sports. The bottom line? O’Brien...

NBC Will Allow Conan to Walk

Network will let O'Brien start a new show at another network

(Newser) - The soap opera is nearing an end. Despite threats to the contrary, NBC will allow Conan O'Brien to leave the network and start a new show elsewhere before his contract expires, sources tell Kim Masters at the Daily Beast . The network will give O'Brien a hefty parting check, but the...

Jay, Conan Take Gloves Off
 Jay, Conan Take Gloves Off 

Jay, Conan Take Gloves Off

Leno, O'Brien continue trading digs over fate of 'Tonight Show'

(Newser) - As Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien continued to take swipes at each other last night (and everyone else continued to take swipes at Jay Leno), rumors and new developments in the NBC shake-up continued to come out. Watch highlights from last night in the video gallery, and read on...

Jay, Conan Turn on Each Other
 Jay, Conan Turn on Each Other 

Jay, Conan Turn on Each Other

As Tonight Show saga continues, Leno and O'Brien face off

(Newser) - As the late-night shakedown gets messier, Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien seem to be turning against each other—and David Letterman is clearly on Team Conan. The Late Show host wants O’Brien to appear on his show “not to rub NBC's noses into their huge mistake, but...

Leno, O'Brien May Both Walk
 Leno, O'Brien May Both Walk 
rumor mill

Leno, O'Brien May Both Walk

Leno could also take Tonight Show back; Conan O'Brien still likely headed to Fox

(Newser) - Thanks in part to a loophole in Conan O’Brien’s NBC contract, he will most likely leave the network while Jay Leno takes The Tonight Show back—or Leno might also ditch NBC entirely, depending which gossip site you read. Sources tell TMZ O’Brien’s contract guarantees he...

Letterman Pokes Fun at NBC, 'Big-Jaw Leno'

His take? It's all about the money

(Newser) - Think David Letterman’s still just a wee bit bitter about his schism with NBC? Letterman offered his take on NBC’s Tonight Show debacle last night, mocking “Jay ‘big jawed’ Leno” and the “geniuses” who shuffled the schedule. “A lot of people may criticize these...

Jay, Conan Joke About Futures
 Jay, Conan Joke About Futures 

Jay, Conan Joke About Futures

O'Brien lists outlandish future options; Leno calls NBC 'disaster'

(Newser) - As everyone wonders whether Conan O’Brien will stay at NBC or move to Fox, the Tonight Show host offered up a few more novel ideas yesterday: Perhaps he’ll “pretend to put my son in a giant foil balloon, then sit back and watch the offers come pouring...

5 Things Conan Could Do Next

 5 Things Conan 
 Could Do Next 
maybe 'snl' wants him back

5 Things Conan Could Do Next

Launch a Fox rival? Return to SNL ? Reality TV?

(Newser) - NBC's shabby treatment of Conan O'Brien has been a recurring theme of the Jay Leno-centric late-night shuffle, but "he-who-rocks-the-dopest-pompadour-on-TV" has more options than you might think. MTV ponders his options.
  • Defect to Fox: The network is apparently interested, and it would be a great way to tick off NBC.

Conan O'Brien Ready to Bail on NBC

 Conan O'Brien 
 Ready to Bail 
 on NBC 


Conan O'Brien Ready to Bail on NBC

Network starts replacing Jay Leno Show as Conan weighs options

(Newser) - As NBC hustles to fill Jay Leno’s 10pm time slot with a new series, rumors are flying that Conan O’Brien is ready to ditch the peacock for another network. “This level of shittiness was not expected,” a source tells the New York Post . “He moved...

Jay Leno at 10: 'Right Idea, Wrong Time'
 Jay Leno at 10: 
 'Right Idea, Wrong Time' 

Jay Leno at 10: 'Right Idea, Wrong Time'

Jerry Seinfeld weighs in on Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien shuffle

(Newser) - In the great Jay Leno vs. Conan O’Brien debate, Jerry Seinfeld seems to be a dedicated member of Team Leno. The Jay Leno Show, and its 10pm slot, “was the right idea at the wrong time,” Seinfeld says. “I’m proud of NBC for trying to...

NBC Confirms Leno's Move to 11:35pm

Primetime experiment will end Feb. 12 with start of Winter Olympics

(Newser) - NBC confirmed that the Jay Leno primetime television experiment is over, saying today that Leno's nightly primetime show will end with the beginning of the Winter Olympics on Feb. 12. NBC exec Jeff Gaspin says NBC wants Leno to do an 11:35pm show, a return to his old time...

Zucker's On His Way to Killing NBC
 On His Way 
 to Killing NBC 

Zucker's On His Way to Killing NBC

Leno switch is the just latest in a string of dismal decisions

(Newser) - He used to be network television's wunderkind, but now Jeff Zucker might go down as the man whose misguided moves dealt a death blow to NBC. The flip-flop over Jay Leno—"shaping up to be one of the biggest debacles in television history"—is just the latest of...

Conan O'Brien Confronts Late-Night Rumors

 Conan O'Brien 
he's pregnant with jay's baby

Conan O'Brien Confronts Late-Night Rumors

Among them: 'We're both pregnant with Tiger Woods' babies'

(Newser) - Conan O'Brien finally addressed some of the late-night rumors swirling about NBC's lineup. Among them:
  • The Tonight Show will be an iPhone app and the Jay Leno show will be an Xbox game.
  • Jay and I are quitting both of our shows and co-starring in a new buddy cop drama

NBC to Conan: Take 12am or Leave
 NBC to Conan: 
 Take 12am or Leave 

NBC to Conan: Take 12am or Leave

Sources dish on Jay Leno-Conan O'Brien shakeup

(Newser) - The rumor mill continues to churn out news of Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien’s futures at NBC, with the network releasing just two vague statements. The latest:
  • NBC has given O’Brien an ultimatum, sources tell TMZ : Move to the midnight slot or get out. Though NBC could

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