Jose Martinez

2 Stories

Woman Hunts Down Dad's Killer Online, 26 Years Later

Determined Joselyn Martinez 'basically solved the case'

(Newser) - In 1986, Justo Santos and another teen walked into Jose Martinez's New York restaurant and, allegedly, started harassing Martinez's wife. Martinez kicked him out, and as they argued on the sidewalk, witnesses say Santos shot Martinez dead. Police identified Santos as the suspected killer immediately, but he fled...

Man Arrested After Shooting at Walmart Shoplifter

He argues suspect was trying to run him over

(Newser) - Heroism is a thankless calling. Consider the plight of Jose Martinez. He was trying to do his civic duty by stopping a shoplifter, and he got arrested for his trouble. It all started when security guards caught 42-year-old Eddie McKee allegedly shoplifting groceries from a Florida Walmart. McKee ran for...

2 Stories