Kamala Harris 2020

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Sen. Graham: Here's Why We Fist-Bumped

Graham, who is crying foul over election results, appeared to congratulate Kamala Harris

(Newser) - A TMZ reporter stopped Sen. Lindsey Graham on Wednesday and asked him to explain the "fist bump seen 'round the world"—his greeting to Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on the Senate floor. Graham, who is alleging vote-count improprieties, said America shouldn't be surprised to see him...

Biden Assesses Cost of Trump's Stonewalling

'More people may die' if the two teams don't coordinate on pandemic, president-elect says

(Newser) - The Trump administration still isn't cooperating on the transition with President-elect Joe Biden's team, and Biden said Monday that could turn out to be a costly decision. Vaccinating more than 300 million Americans is "a huge, huge, huge undertaking," he said in Delaware, per the the...

World Marks Election Decision
to Election

Worldwide Reaction to Election Results

Images from around the world

(Newser) - With everyone on pins and needles for days as the votes were counted, the announcement that Joe Biden had won the US presidential election produced an burst of excitement around the world, as many people weary of "America First" policies displayed their relief. In the hometown of Vice President-elect...

Kamala Harris Just Made History in 3 Ways
Kamala Harris
Just Broke
3 Glass
the rundown

Kamala Harris Just Broke 3 Glass Ceilings

The vice president-elect made history on Saturday

(Newser) - Glass ceiling, meet Kamala Harris: The California senator made history Saturday by becoming the first woman and woman of color elected vice president, NPR reports. The daughter of a Jamaican father and an Indian mother, Harris is no stranger to history: She was the first Black woman to become attorney...

Biden Plans Evening Address to the Nation

Campaign hopes Democrat will be speaking after race is called by networks

(Newser) - Former Vice President Joe Biden will deliver a speech to the nation Friday night—possibly as president-elect. The Democratic nominee's campaign gave no details, including the time, the Hill reports. But the campaign's hope is that enough states where Biden leads will have finished counting ballots by then,...

'Armed Trump Trolls' Surround Biden Bus in Scary Encounter

Democratic lawmakers were planning to speak in an Austin suburb

(Newser) - Democrats scrapped a campaign event Friday in Texas after a "small caravan" of Trump supporters surrounded a Biden-Harris campaign bus in a menacing manner, TMZ reports. Videos show the vehicles, Trump flags flying, encircle the bus on the I-35 and try to slow it down. Democratic lawmakers were on...

One Phrase the Debate Moderator Kept Having to Say

'Thank you': how Susan Page tried to stifle the interruptions, candidates going over their time

(Newser) - It wasn't quite the interrupt-fest that the first presidential debate was , but the face-off between Sen. Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence at the vice presidential debate in Salt Lake City certainly had its moments. Although the first few minutes seemed relatively calm, soon moderator Susan Page found...

Harris on COVID Response: 'Failure.' Pence: That's 'Unconscionable'

Candidates spar early on in debate on the pandemic

(Newser) - The first topic of Wednesday night's vice presidential debate at the University of Utah was the coronavirus pandemic, and sparks started flying immediately between Sen. Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence. Harris first criticized what she called "the greatest failure of any presidential administration in the history...

Pence, Harris Face Off, With 'Sharply Conflicting Visions'

Vice presidential candidates debate in Utah

(Newser) - As the coronavirus sweeps through the upper reaches of government, Republican Vice President Mike Pence and Democratic challenger Kamala Harris faced off Wednesday night in a debate highlighting the parties' sharply conflicting visions for a nation in crisis, per the AP . The candidates appeared on the stage in the University...

The Rock Just Dropped His First Political Endorsement
The Rock Just
Got Political

The Rock Just Got Political

The muscle-bound actor releases a video with his first-ever political endorsement

(Newser) - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson won't be playing it safe this election year. The actor and ex-wrestler called the 2020 vote "critical" on Sunday and said he's backing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris—his first-ever endorsement of a political candidate, Fox News reports. "I've got...

Harris: This Could Cost Us the Election
Harris: This Could
Cost Us the Election
sunday talk shows

Harris: This Could Cost Us the Election

Kamala Harris says she's 'a realist' about the political forces at play

(Newser) - Kamala Harris says foreign interference, doubt cast about the election by President Trump, and voter suppression could potentially cost her and Joe Biden the White House in November. "I am a realist about it. Joe is a realist about it," the California senator said on CNN's State ...

Biden Campaign Buys Ad Time on Trump's Night

Biden spot to run during GOP convention, following Harris' afternoon speech on TV

(Newser) - The Democratic presidential ticket concentrated on counterprogramming Thursday, as President Trump prepared to deliver his prime-time nomination acceptance speech at the White House. Joe Biden's campaign bought 2 minutes of ad time during the TV networks' coverage of the Republican National Convention, the Washington Post reports. The spot begins...

Kamala to Use Her Strongest Words Yet Against Trump

Democratic VP nominee will be her party's main counter to Trump on Thursday

(Newser) - Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris on Thursday plans a speech condemning President Trump—hours before he's set to accept renomination for a second term—for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Harris will detail a "profound failure of leadership" from Trump and highlight proposals by Joe Biden...

Biden Is 'Absolutely' Open to Two Terms

Nominee addresses age issue in interview

(Newser) - President Trump has suggested Joe Biden has slipped mentally . Age is a fair issue, Joe Biden says in a new interview. "I think it's a legitimate question to ask anybody over 70 years old whether or not they're fit and whether they're ready," the Democratic...

Day 3 of DNC: Kamala Accepts the Nomination, Obama Speaks

Some other big names will appear

(Newser) - Michelle Obama arguably stole the show on the first night of the Democratic National Convention. Time will tell if her husband does the same on Day 3. Former President Obama is among those who will be speaking Wednesday night, and he'll deliver the keynote address. USA Today reports the...

As Her Family Fights COVID-19, Actress Endorses Biden

Sharon Stone, dealing with loss and relatives' illnesses, says, 'Don't vote for a killer'

(Newser) - Sharon Stone has not contracted the coronavirus, but the disease has spread throughout her family. Her grandmother and godmother died of COVID-19, she said, and her sister and her sister's husband are in a hospital now, the Los Angeles Times reports. In a video on Instagram , the actress discussed...

NBA to Photog Who Posted Harris Meme: You're Fired

Bill Baptist apologized, but it was too late

(Newser) - An NBA photographer is out of a job after sharing a sexist meme that apparently mocked Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, CNN reports. The photog, Bill Baptist, posted a faux logo for the Democratic ticket that read, "Joe and the Hoe." Former WNBA Hall of Famer Sheryl Swoopes...

Harris Responds to Conspiracy Theory Floated by Trump

The vice presidential candidate calls it 'lies' and 'deception'

(Newser) - Kamala Harris, welcome to 2020 politics—and the need to refute a conspiracy theory in just your second public interview since joining Joe Biden's campaign. "They're going to engage in an attempt to distract from the real issues that are impacting the American people," Harris said...

Newsweek: Sorry for That Op-Ed. But We're Not Pulling It

'We entirely failed to anticipate the ways in which the essay would be interpreted'

(Newser) - Newsweek has apologized for an op-ed that questioned Sen. Kamala Harris' US citizenship and her eligibility to be Joe Biden's running mate, a false and racist conspiracy theory which President Trump has not dismissed, the AP reports. "This op-ed is being used by some as a tool to...

Column on Harris' Eligibility Elicits Widespread Anger

Experts and voters answer professor's Newsweek piece on doubts about candidate born in Oakland

(Newser) - In her first full day as Joe Biden's choice to join the Democratic ticket in November, Sen. Kamala Harris had her right to be there publicly questioned. John Eastman wrote an op-ed piece for Newsweek headlined, "Some Questions for Kamala Harris About Eligibility." In it, the law...

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