price gouging

6 Stories

Harris' Economic Plan Signals an 'Escalation'

She's doubling up on some Biden policies

(Newser) - Vice President Kamala Harris is set to make her most significant economic policy announcement yet, to include a proposed ban on price gouging in the food sector and a crackdown on corporations. Harris will unveil her economic plan Friday in Raleigh, North Carolina, and the proposals described or hinted at...

Egg Producers' 'Egregious Profits' Raising Some Eyebrows

Farm Action wants Cal-Maine investigated over possible price gouging

(Newser) - A US senator has joined farmers in calling for an investigation to crack the problem of soaring egg prices . Government data shows the national average retail price for a dozen eggs reached $4.25 in December, for a 138% increase from the $1.79 average a year earlier, though the...

Viral Post About $27 Airport Beer Spurs Big Changes

NYC transportation authority is cracking down on food, drink prices at area airports after complaint

(Newser) - Almost $28 for a 23-ounce glass of Sam Adams summer ale? If that seems pricey, you're not the only one who thinks so. But that's how much it was on the menu at an eatery in New York City's LaGuardia Airport when Cooper Lund was waiting for...

Watchdog Accuses Major Retailers of Price Gouging

With corporate profits at 50-year highs, consumer protection advocates are crying foul

(Newser) - In a new report, nonpartisan watchdog Accountable.US cries foul over massive profit increases by America’s top 10 retailers. Here is how CBS MoneyWatch sums up the group's report : “Instead of keeping prices stable for struggling families, corporations have overcharged Americans and prioritized profit.” Overall, the...

Rising Price of Eggs Brings Lawsuits

In many places, stores are charging three times as much during pandemic

(Newser) - The retail price of a dozen eggs has shot past $3 in parts of the country during the pandemic, sometimes tripling the bite. That's price gouging, say new lawsuits that ask that the industry give consumers some of that money back. "As in any time of economic turmoil,...

Shark Tank Star: I Didn't Price-Gouge on N95 Masks

3M looking into ill-fated deal between Daymond John's firm, Florida

(Newser) - When deals kept falling through for Florida's Department of Emergency Management to acquire N95 face masks for the state's health care workers, Director Jared Moskowitz inked a deal with Shark Group. The state was to acquire one million masks for $7 each from the company, run by CEO...

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