3 Stories

French Fume Over Australian Leak of Macron Text

Ambassador describes 'unprecedented new low' in France-Australia relationship

(Newser) - Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison shared a private text message from French President Emmanuel Macron in an attempt to defend himself from Macron's claims that he's a liar —which only further widened the rift between the two countries. "You don't behave like this on personal...

Macron on Sub Deal Drama: Australia Lied

French president says Australia PM was not truthful

(Newser) - French President Emmanuel Macron spoke out this weekend on the submarine deal brouhaha between France and Australia. Asked by an Australian reporter on the sidelines of the G20 summit whether he thought Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison was untruthful with France, Macron replied, "I don't think, I...

France Calls Off US Gala Amid Rift Over New Security Pact

They describe sub deal as a 'knife in the back'

(Newser) - While they haven't asked for the Statue of Liberty back, the French have made it very clear that they're not happy about being excluded from the new US-UK-Australia security pact . A Friday gala at France's Washington embassy to celebrate the 240th anniversary of the Battle of the...

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