weird news

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Woman Accidentally Buys 2 Lotto Tickets, Wins Twice

Wins $900K due to forgetfulness

(Newser) - Buying a winning lottery ticket is luck most of us only dream of having. Accidentally buying a second ticket which is also a winner? That's just rubbing it in. An Australian woman managed this incredibly fortunate feat last weekend, winning a grand total of around $900,000 USD between...

Town Wants to Let Hunters Shoot Down Drones

Deer Trail, Colo., considers drone hunting licenses

(Newser) - Forget deer, elk, moose, and bears. Hunters in Deer Trail, Colo., have a new target in the sights: government drones. The town board is considering issuing hunting licenses and bounties for unmanned aerial vehicles, reports ABC Denver . "We do not want drones in town," says resident Phillip Steel,...

Woman Falsely Accused of Stealing Train to Become Train Driver

20-year-old cleaning lady gets new job as compensation

(Newser) - Earlier this year, a cleaning lady was accused of stealing and crashing a train she was on in Stockholm. Turns out, she didn't do it. So to make up for the double blow of serious injuries from the crash and calling her a train thief in a story that...

Dave Matthews Hitchhikes to His Own Concert

Fans on way to show spot him, pick him up

(Newser) - It's a good thing Emily Kraus and her boyfriend stopped to pick up a hitchhiker on their way to a Dave Matthews Band concert—the wayfarer was none other than Dave Matthews himself. Matthews was out for a bike ride before his concert in Hershey, Penn., when his tire...

Coming Soon: A TV Channel Just for Dogs

DogTV will let your dog watch other dogs for $4.99 a month

(Newser) - DirectTV is launching a new channel next month, but you are not the target demographic—your dog is. DogTV is for pooches who spend much of their day alone, inside the house while their owners are at work (someone's gotta pay for those macrobiotic doggy treats). The programming will...

Japan Will Sell More Adult Diapers Than Baby Diapers by 2020

Aging population drives incontinence market growth

(Newser) - Hot stock tip: the market for "incontinence products" in Japan is a $1.4 billion-per-year industry, and it's growing at 6-10% a year, thanks to the country's aging population, reports Japanese newspaper Nikkei, per Quartz . Japan has the highest percentage of people over the age of 65...

Whale Smacks Surfer Unconscious With Tail

Unexpected guest at Bondi beach makes a splash

(Newser) - Well-known surfing hazards: riptides, wipeouts, rocks, and newbies. Lesser known surfing hazards: whale tails. When a 32-foot whale decided to join the hordes of other tourists at Sydney's Bondi Beach, surfer Bishan Rajapakse learned about that one the hard way. Another surfer reportedly warned Rajapakse, 38, not to get...

Woman Throws Gasoline on Man After He Takes Her Bus Seat

She pulls out match, but passengers stop her lighting fire

(Newser) - It's 5:30am on a Monday. You get on your morning bus, but a man is sitting in the seat you prefer. Do you: a) Ask him to move? b) Sit elsewhere? or c) Take a bottle of gasoline out of your purse and throw it all over him?...

Navy: Cap'n Crunch Not a Real Officer

Pentagon says it has no record of his service, NCIS will investigate

(Newser) - Cap'n Crunch is under attack. "We have no Cap’n Crunch in the personnel records—and we checked," says the director of the Navy's news desk at the Pentagon. No, really. It's in the Wall Street Journal . "We have notified NCIS and we’re...

10-Hour United Flight Runs Out of Toilet Paper

Passengers told to use cocktail napkins instead

(Newser) - United Airlines forgot to stock a London to San Francisco flight last week with a crucial amenity. No, not the Sky Mall catalog, but something almost as important: toilet paper. Instead, the airline offered passengers on the non-stop 10-hour flight cocktail napkins, reports ABC Local . The napkins, unfortunately, had a...

New Japanese Fad: Eyeball Licking

Not only gross—it also spreads pinkeye

(Newser) - The hot new thing amongst Japanese teens? Licking each others' eyeballs. Also known as "oculolinctus" and "worming," it's a sexual thing, and was probably inspired by a music video clip (it's at 3:30; you know you want to look), reports ABC News . Apparently, an...

After 9-Mile Run, Woman Gets Major Shock: a Baby

Trish Staine didn't know she was pregnant

(Newser) - Trish Staine felt pretty crappy after running nine miles as part of her half-marathon training on Sunday. Thinking she was dealing with a pulled muscle or pinched nerve, she tried painkillers, baths, and laying down; nothing worked, and her husband finally called an ambulance the next day. Turns out Staine...

Worker Outsources Own Job to China ... Makes Profit

Until the tech folks finally caught on

(Newser) - Lots of us sneak peeks at Facebook or the web while at work, but one worker at a US company took the habit to a whole new level. A software engineer identified by the Register only as "Bob" outsourced his own work-from-home job to a Chinese subcontractor, then spent...

Woman Drives Wrong Way on Highway ... for 18 Miles

And she had a passenger the whole time

(Newser) - Confirming your fears about dangerous post-NYE drivers: Shortly after 5am on New Year's Day, a 22-year-old woman drove the wrong way, at high speeds, on Interstate 81 North in Pennsylvania. For a total of 18 miles. And she had a passenger with her the entire time. They two were...

Teacher Asked Students to Pen Suicide Notes

Unsurprisingly, she has since been suspended

(Newser) - A French teacher is in hot water after giving her teenage students a twisted assignment: write a suicide note. She set quite the detailed scene for her 13- and 14-year-old students, framing the assignment, in part, as such:
  • "You have just turned 18. You have decided to end your

This Exists: Pizza Hut Perfume
 This Exists: Pizza Hut Perfume 

This Exists: Pizza Hut Perfume

It started out as a joke, but now it's real ... sort of

(Newser) - What started out as a big, cheesy joke has come to pass: Pizza Hut has actually released its very own perfume. The Christian Science Monitor explains that the company's Canadian marketing group playfully suggested the idea in a Facebook post, asking fans what they would name such a scent....

Nancy Huston Wins 'Bad Sex in Fiction' Prize

Infrared has some horrible lines about hanky panky

(Newser) - Want a good sex scene in your next read? Skip Nancy Huston's Infrared, which just nabbed the Literary Review's tongue-in-cheek award for Bad Sex in Fiction, reports the LA Times . Unlike last year's winner , Infrared—about a photographer who takes pictures of her lovers' bodies at intimate...

Romney Face-Tattoo Guy Changes His Mind

Eric Hartsburg bugged by Romney's 'gifts' comment

(Newser) - If you ask us, it seems a little two-faced. Just two weeks after he said he had no regrets about his Mitt Romney face tattoo, Eric Hartsburg has decided to accept an offer to have it removed for free, reports Politico . What's behind the change of heart? He apparently...

Tall-Tale Tellers Vie for Best Lie

Politicians, lawyers banned from contest

(Newser) - Fantastic fibbers are gathering at a remote pub in northwestern England today to vie for the title of world's biggest liar. The annual competition is held at the Bridge Inn in the Lake District hamlet of Santon Bridge. Contestants have five minutes to impress the judges with a whopping...

NC Town's New Year's Eve 'Possum Drop' Squashed

PETA files lawsuit, but fans still 'opossum-istic'

(Newser) - Following outcry from PETA, a judge in North Carolina has put the brakes on a bizarre holiday tradition, reports Fox News . For the past 21 years, the residents of Brasstown have rung in the new year by placing a live possum in a glass box and lowering it for 10...

Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>