John McCain

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Mac Attack Ad's Endless Media Coverage? Priceless

Spot airs everywhere, despite small spend

(Newser) - John McCain's tough TV spot, which attacks Barack Obama for backing out of a visit to US troops in Germany because he couldn't bring TV cameras along, has become one of the most widely seen ads of the campaign. That's pretty impressive, considering it only aired as a paid commercial...

McCain Mole Not Cancerous
 McCain Mole
Not Cancerous

McCain Mole Not Cancerous

Biopsy shows no skin cancer

(Newser) - A biopsy performed on a mole removed from John McCain's face shows no sign of skin cancer. The brief cancer scare came after a routine dermatological check-up, Reuters reports. The 72-year-old Senator has had four malignant melanomas—the most serious form of skin cancer—removed since 1993.

Insiders' Pick as McCain Running Mate: Portman
Insiders' Pick as McCain Running Mate: Portman

Insiders' Pick as McCain Running Mate: Portman

Ex-Congressman could quell establishment grousing

(Newser) - Ex-Congressman and ex-OMB director Rob Portman has much to offer John McCain as a running mate, writes Washington Post blogger Chris Cillizza. "If Washington-based political operatives picked the vice president, Portman would have it hands down" because he's "that rare breed of politician who is equally conversant—and...

Candidates Shift Focus to Economy, Center Ground
Candidates Shift Focus to Economy, Center Ground

Candidates Shift Focus to Economy, Center Ground

Both turn their attention to finding solutions for housing, energy crisis

(Newser) - The presidential hopefuls are turning their focus to the home front—and the economy in particular—in the wake of Barack Obama's foreign trip, ABC News reports. John McCain criticized America's dependence on foreign oil yesterday while speaking in front of an oil derrick in California, while Obama hosted a...

Evangelicals to McCain: No Romney
to McCain:
No Romney

Evangelicals to McCain: No Romney

Mormon on GOP ticket would 'deeply sadden' religious right

(Newser) - Evangelicals do not want John McCain to pick Mitt Romney as his running mate, and they’re not being quiet about it, the Washington Times reports, with Mike Huckabee fans particularly in oppostion. “McCain and Romney would be like oil and water,” one says, citing the former Massachusetts...

Gallup Shows Biggest Obama Lead—Even as McCain Gains

Republican has edge among those most likely to vote, poll finds; Dem sees bounce

(Newser) - After a Gallup poll yesterday showed Barack Obama with his biggest lead to date among all registered voters, at 9%, a Gallup/USA Today survey out today has John McCain ahead among those voters deemed most likely to actually go to the polls in November. A rep for Gallup—which conducts...

Pro-Democracy Group Links Lobbyists, McCain
Pro-Democracy Group Links Lobbyists, McCain

Pro-Democracy Group Links Lobbyists, McCain

Nonprofit's workings clash with maverick image

(Newser) - The workings of a nonprofit democracy-promotion group John McCain has chaired for 15 years are “in many ways at odds with the political outsider image that has become a touchstone of the McCain campaign,” the New York Times reports. The International Republican Institute is a “something of...

Mole Removed From Mac's Face
 Mole Removed From Mac's Face 

Mole Removed From Mac's Face

Doctors call move pre-emptive for Republican, with history of skin cancer

(Newser) - A doctor removed a mole-like spot from John McCain’s face today during a routine check-up, a procedure an aide called “just a precautionary removal.” The Republican has had four malignant melanomas removed in the past; other cancerous cells have been taken off McCain’s body in the...

VP Speculation About Pawlenty Mounts

Minn. gov in contention thanks to friendship with McCain

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty is at or near the top of John McCain’s VP dance card, thanks in large part to the Minnesota governor's friendship with the candidate, the Boston Globe reports. Unlike Mitt Romney, Pawlenty simply gets along well with McCain, who's well known for his insistence on loyalty. A...

Babs: Obama's Like Buttah
Babs: Obama's Like Buttah

Babs: Obama's Like Buttah

Longtime Clintonite says when Barack clinched nomination, switch was 'immediate'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton may have been her first choice, but Barbra Streisand’s switch to Barack Obama after he wrapped up the nomination was “immediate”—and she's not too keen on Clinton-backers considering crossing the aisle. In an interview with Politico, she lays into John McCain on women’s...

'Wooden' McCain Could Win By Default
 Could Win 
 By Default

'Wooden' McCain Could Win By Default

Campaign wunderkind Obama should be doing better

(Newser) - John McCain is a “wooden” candidate running a poor campaign, while Barack Obama is “the most spectacular campaigner of his generation”—so why can’t Obama climb over the 50% mark in polls?  It’s a matter of the white working men Obama hasn’t convinced, writes...

Bush Leaving $490B Deficit
 Bush Leaving $490B Deficit

Bush Leaving $490B Deficit

Record red ink worse than administration predicted

(Newser) - President Bush inherited a $128 billion budget surplus with the White House, but he's saddling his successor with a record deficit, reports USA Today. His administration is forecasting that he’ll leave at least a $490 billion deficit, a dramatic about-face made worse by a continuing economic slowdown and the...

Ben Stein: Time for Mac to Call Rove
 Ben Stein:
 Time for
 Mac to
 Call Rove

Ben Stein: Time for Mac to Call Rove

Candidate running 'absolute most pathetic campaign I have ever seen'

(Newser) - Conservative stalwart Ben Stein thought Bob Dole's quest for the White House set the bar low, but says John McCain is “running the absolute most pathetic campaign I have ever seen in my whole life.” But there’s an answer ("Anyone? Anyone?")—talk to Karl Rove,...

Obama Slips Into Role of Acting President
Obama Slips Into Role of Acting President

Obama Slips Into Role of Acting President

Steps into void left by lame-duck prez as McCain flounders

(Newser) - With a lame duck in the White House and his party's nominee beginning to sound like a quack, Barack Obama is coming off the success of last week's world tour looking like America's acting president, writes Frank Rich in the New York Times. The Illinois senator offers more than "...

Obama ISO VP Who Can Govern
 Obama ISO VP Who Can Govern

Obama ISO VP Who Can Govern

Dem says he won't choose based on home region

(Newser) - Barack Obama won’t pick a veep based on trying to win a specific region, he said today on Meet the Press. Instead, he’ll focus on “somebody who can help me govern,” Politico reports. The Dem also complimented both Clintons, saying the former first lady “would...

McCain Ad Slams Obama for Skipping Troop Meeting

But 'he had time to go to the gym,' snipes spot

(Newser) - A new John McCain ad goes on the offensive, attacking Barack Obama for canceling a meeting with wounded troops, Politico reports. The clip, which aired in Denver during Saturday Night Live last night, criticizes Obama over his track record with members of the military, sniping: “He made time to...

Gramm Guilty of Sparking Subprime Mess
Gramm Guilty
of Sparking Subprime Mess

Gramm Guilty of Sparking Subprime Mess

Ex-senator still has clout despite dire deregulation

(Newser) - Former Senator Phil Gramm helped create the subprime meltdown, yet faces no punishment—and could even become treasury secretary if John McCain wins in November, David Corn writes in Mother Jones. Eight years ago, a Gramm bill stopped the feds from regulating insurance policies that protected Wall Street securities. These...

Body Language Bares Rivals' Key Differences

McCain expresses stability, while Obama communicates change

(Newser) - The presidential hopefuls are saying a lot more than just words, reports LiveScience. Body language experts analyzing John McCain and Barack Obama's movements have discovered major differences in the kind of leaders they are likely to be. McCain's firm stance and tendency to grip the podium send out a message...

Republicans in Tight Senate Races to Skip St. Paul

Candidates call decision unrelated to president's low ratings

(Newser) - Most Republicans in tough Senate races this fall are ducking the GOP convention or have failed to confirm, the National Journal reports. Of those nine candidates in 12 targeted races, none are blaming President Bush's low ratings or John McCain's strained relationship with conservatives. Senators like Ted Stevens and Susan...

Brzezinski Down on Idea of Afghan 'Surge'

Security expert: McCain camp on path to world war

(Newser) - The presidential candidates seem to agree that Afghanistan needs a troop surge, but Zbigniew Brzezinski doesn’t. Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser, now a Barack Obama backer, says he's concerned that the US is “literally running the risk of unintentionally doing what the Russians did,” and being...

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