University of Virginia

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ESPN Pulls Announcer From UVa Game Due to His Name

Commentator Robert Lee's moniker too similar to Confederate general's: network

(Newser) - ESPN may have been trying to nip a future hubbub in the bud, but, as CNN notes, it just created a whole new controversy. Asian-American announcer Robert Lee was slated to call the University of Virginia's home-opening football game against William and Mary on Sept. 2, but the ESPN...

White Nationalists March on University of Virginia

Officials are worried about violence at neo-Nazi rally Saturday

(Newser) - Neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and other members of the alt-right clashed with counter-protesters Friday night at the University of Virginia ahead of what the Southern Poverty Law Center says could be the "largest hate-gathering of its kind in decades in the United States," CNN reports. Images from Charlottesville, Virginia,...

Rolling Stone Pays $1.65M to Settle Rape Story Lawsuit

UVa frat plans to make donation to sex assault prevention

(Newser) - Rolling Stone magazine has agreed to pay $1.65 million to settle a defamation lawsuit filed by a University of Virginia fraternity over a debunked story about a gang-rape, the fraternity said Tuesday. The settlement closes the final chapter of a lengthy legal saga sparked by the 2014 story "...

Insomniacs Can Go Online to Get Shut-Eye

Need Sleep?
Go Online

Need Sleep? Go Online

Study says new online therapy program is helping sleepless subjects

(Newser) - A 70-year-old Californian who'd suffered from longtime insomnia had tapped into almost every remedy to no avail—until she tried out a new online therapy that has her "sleeping much better now," she tells the New York Times . The automated program, called SHUTi , is an online adaptation...

UVa Staff, Students to President: Stop Quoting Jefferson

Teresa Sullivan was trying to unite community after election, but quote backfired

(Newser) - "Never put off to tomorrow what you can do today" was one of Thomas Jefferson's "canons of conduct," and so faculty and students at the college he founded, the University of Virginia, wasted little time in responding to an email from the school's president that...

UVa Dean Awarded $3M Over Rolling Stone Rape Story

She said discredited story ruined her life

(Newser) - A University of Virginia administrator who says she was falsely portrayed as the villain in Rolling Stone's now-discredited gang rape story has been awarded $3 million by a federal jury. The jury decided to award former associate dean Nicole Eramo $2 million from journalist Sabrina Rubin Erdely and $1...

Jury: Rolling Stone Defamed Dean With College Rape Story

The magazine was found guilty over its discredited article on Friday

(Newser) - A federal jury found Rolling Stone magazine, its publisher, and a reporter defamed a University of Virginia administrator in a discredited story about gang rape at a fraternity house, multiple news outlets including the Washington Post report. University of Virginia administrator Nicole Eramo claimed the 2014 article portrayed her as...

Woman at Center of UVa Rape Controversy Stands by Story

Jurors watch 'Jackie's' taped deposition

(Newser) - The woman at the center of a now-retracted 2014 Rolling Stone article about campus rape is not retracting the account she gave to the reporter, the Washington Post reports. Jackie, as she's called to protect her identity , says in her first public statements in nearly two years that she...

Rolling Stone Reporter Takes Stand in Rape Story Case

Sabrina Erdely says 'Jackie' was completely convincing as a rape victim

(Newser) - The Rolling Stone reporter currently being sued for defamation over a discredited and retracted story of gang rape at the University of Virginia took the stand this week to convince jurors that her source was utterly convincing, Charlottesville Newsplex reports. According to the Washington Post , Sabrina Erdely not only found...

College Football Player Says He Was Bullied, Forced to Fight

Former University of Virginia player Aidan Howard has sued

(Newser) - A former University of Virginia football player was bullied and harassed by teammates because of his learning disability and seriously injured after being forced to fight another athlete in order to prove his "manliness," according to a federal lawsuit filed against the school this month. Aidan Howard said...

&#39;Jackie&#39; May Testify in Trial Over Retracted Rape Story
Rolling Stone Rape-Story
Trial Won't Be Mag's Undoing
the rundown

Rolling Stone Rape-Story Trial Won't Be Mag's Undoing

'Rolling Stone' is being sued for defamation over UVa article

(Newser) - A defamation case against Rolling Stone magazine over a botched article on campus rape at the University of Virginia gets underway Monday. Some related developments:
  • "Jackie," the student who claimed to have been gang-raped at a frat party, is expected to testify as a live witness during the

Reporter: UVa Rape Story Was My 'Worst Nightmare'

Sabrina Rubin Erdely had 'complete faith' in source

(Newser) - Rolling Stone writer Sabrina Rubin Erdely "had complete faith" in her source for a story about campus rape at the University of Virginia, she writes in newly released court documents. The author of "A Rape on Campus" says a university administrator suing Rolling Stone for defamation suggests she...

Judge Orders UVa 'Jackie' to Testify

She has resisted giving testimony in defamation lawsuit

(Newser) - The woman who said she was gang-raped at a University of Virginia fraternity house and was the centerpiece of a now-retracted Rolling Stone article must answer attorneys' questions in a defamation lawsuit , a federal judge has ruled. The student identified as "Jackie" in the article has fiercely resisted attempts...

Man Pleads Guilty to Killing Virginia College Students

He got 4 life sentences but no death penalty

(Newser) - The man known as the "UVA killer" will in all likelihood spend the rest of his life behind bars after pleading guilty to killing two Virginia college students over the past seven years, NBC News reports. Jesse Matthew was sentenced to four life sentences on Wednesday as part of...

US Student Detained in North Korea 'Confesses'

A Baptist church, a secret society, and the US government made him do it

(Newser) - North Korea trotted out an American college student it's held for two months Monday, and 21-year-old Otto Frederick Warmbier sobbed, bowed deeply, and pleaded for forgiveness from "every one of the millions of the Korean people." "Please! I made the worst mistake of my life,"...

North Korea Detained US Student After 'Hotel Incident'

'My belief is that Otto kept it to himself out of hope it might go unnoticed'

(Newser) - There are still few details about the "hotel incident" that led to the detention of a 21-year-old American college student earlier this month while visiting North Korea, Reuters reports. Otto Warmbier was preparing to leave the country Jan. 2 when he was detained at Pyongyang Airport, according to the...

N. Korea Arrests US Student on 'Party Tour'

Otto Frederick Warmbier was arrested Jan. 2 on a tourist trip

(Newser) - North Korea says it has detained an American student from the University of Virginia who visited the country as part of a "New Year's Party Tour." A rep for Chinese travel company Young Pioneer Tours says undergraduate commerce student Otto Frederick Warmbier, 21, was arrested at Pyongyang...

Frat in Rape Story Sues Rolling Stone for $25M

Suit accuses magazine of 'reckless and unethical behavior'

(Newser) - A now-retracted Rolling Stone story on campus rape did $25 million in damage to the reputation of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, according to a lawsuit filed on Monday by the frat's University of Virginia chapter. The lawsuit, which can be seen here , says the magazine deliberately sought out...

Thomas Jefferson's Lost Chemistry Lab Found

The 200-year-old chemical hearth was preserved by accident

(Newser) - A worker renovating the Rotunda at the University of Virginia made an unexpected discovery when he crawled through a hole in the wall: part of a chemistry lab partly designed by Thomas Jefferson nearly 200 years ago, the Charlottesville Newsplex reports. The brick chemical hearth—one of the only remaining...

3 UVa Graduates Sue Rolling Stone for Rape Story

Men say they were identified and maligned in debunked article

(Newser) - Three University of Virginia graduates and members of a fraternity profiled in a debunked account of a gang rape in Rolling Stone filed a lawsuit against the publication and the article's author today, court records show. The three men, George Elias IV, Stephen Hadford, and Ross Fowler, filed suit...

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