Breivik Planned 'Celebration' With Escorts, Fine Wine

Played online games, watched True Blood, dropped by mom's for dinner
By Matt Cantor,  Newser Staff
Posted Jul 25, 2011 9:06 AM CDT
Oslo Bombing Suspect Anders Behring Breivik Planned 'Martyrdom Celebration' With Escorts, Fine Wine
Anders Behring Breivik, 32, who was arrested Friday July 22, 2011 in connection to the twin attacks on a youth camp and a government building in Oslo, Norway.   (AP Photo/Twitter, Anders Behring Breivik)

Aiming to keep his “martyrdom operation” a secret, Anders Behring Breivik worked hard come across as a regular guy—and he succeeded at being forgettable. “He didn’t say anything you could remember,” an acquaintance tells the New York Times. “He’s one of the crowd, if you know what I mean.” He spent much of his time listening to pop music, watching True Blood, playing World of Warcraft, and visiting his mother for Sunday-night dinners, the Times reports. Breivik said he had a happy childhood in a middle-class neighborhood, attending an elite school.

Though he joined anti-immigrant political movements in high school, it wasn’t until his sister moved to America that he “began to spiral,” said a childhood friend. She “was his only rock in life.” His views turned extreme. “Protesting is saying that you disagree. Resistance is saying you will put a stop to this. I decided I wanted to join the resistance,” he wrote. Meanwhile, he was skeptical of romantic involvement, notes the Telegraph. “Human males are imperfect by default as they are plagued by their biological needs," he wrote. Still, he planned to spend 2,000 euros "on a high quality model escort girl one week prior to execution of the mission,” he wrote, in order to “ease my mind.” He later wrote that he planned to have a "martyrdom celebration" with "high class model whores I intend to rent prior to the mission" and a bottle of Château Kirwan 1979 he had been saving. (More Norway stories.)

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