US / uplifting news 5 Most Uplifting Stories of the Week Including a 'homeless' man who turns the table on generous drivers By Newser Editors Posted Jan 5, 2014 5:06 AM CST Copied (Shutterstock) A "homeless" man who isn't quite what he seems, and a Holocaust survivor who finally got a chance to say thanks make this week's list: Man Poses as Homeless, Gives Away $1K: Drivers in Iowa who rolled down their window to give a few bucks to a homeless guy asking for help on Christmas Eve got a surprise gift in return. The "homeless" man was actually a Des Moines business owner, and he gave his donors a sealed envelope with money and a note of thanks. Holocaust Survivor Finds Soldier Who Helped Save Her: On May 5, 1945, US soldiers liberated the Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria, ending a nightmare that began for Marsha Kreuzman nearly six years before. Seven decades later, she finally tracked down one of those soldiers to say thanks. For 26th Year, Police Remember Abandoned Baby: It's a 26-year tradition now in Meriden, Conn., and one with a somber start: On Jan. 2, 1988, police found a newborn boy frozen to death outside. Police took up a collection and paid for his burial, and they've gathered every year since to remember him. Comic Raises $125K for Tornado Survivor: Stand-up comedian Doug Stanhope has raised more than $100,000 for an Oklahoma family whose house was leveled by a tornado earlier this year. The reason is a bizarre one involving God and Wolf Blitzer. Message in a Bottle Gets a Reply 23 Years Later: A UK woman got a pretty unexpected Christmas card this holiday season—a response to a 23-year-old message in a bottle she'd dropped in the North Sea as a child. While on a ferry from England to Belgium in 1990, Zoe Lemon set her note adrift. It took a while, but she's now got a brand-new pen pal. Click for more uplifting news. (More uplifting news stories.) Report an error