Glenn Beck

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

Meet the Future of Conservatism
 Meet the Future 
 of Conservatism 

Meet the Future of Conservatism

Novice Doug Hoffman is shaking up the right

(Newser) - He's a "nerdy-looking" political novice, but Doug Hoffman just may be the "conservative superstar of the future," writes Marc Ambinder. Hoffman is running as a Conservative in the closely watched special election in New York’s 23rd congressional district. Despite his lack of experience, the lifelong accountant...

Beck: Progressives Are Like Slave Owners
 Beck: Progressives 
 Are Like Slave Owners 

Beck: Progressives Are Like Slave Owners

Plus, Fox News host is now traveling with an armed guard

(Newser) - Glenn Beck’s latest metaphor: Progressives are like slave owners. He came up with this one last night while bemoaning the thousands of people in Detroit who lined up to apply for, as he called it, “free government money that we don’t know where it came from,”...

Paranoid 'Pseudocons' Hijacking Right
 Paranoid 'Pseudocons' Hijacking Right

Paranoid 'Pseudocons' Hijacking Right

Logic-defying conspiracy theories jump from the fringe to the mainstream

(Newser) - The paranoid fringe of the American right has become mainstream to an extent unthinkable even when the John Birch Society was at its peak, writes Thomas Frank. Historian Richard Hofstadter's landmark 1965 The Paranoid Style in American Politics seems more relevant than ever, Frank writes in the Wall Street Journal....

Glenn Beck's Paranoia Is a Gold Mine
Glenn Beck's Paranoia
Is a Gold Mine

Glenn Beck's Paranoia Is a Gold Mine

Gold to guns, scribe says there's profit to be made off right wingers

(Newser) - Move over Jim Cramer. When it comes to possibly unhinged investment gurus, Mike Madden of Salon says he’s going with Glenn Beck and G. Gordon Liddy. Ever since advertisers began boycotting Beck, gold sellers have been grabbing space. The weirdest ad features G. Gordon Liddy mocking Fed policies that...

Beck Moves Obama From 'Hitler' to 'Mao'

Hollywood in cahoots with the prez to force us to volunteer

(Newser) - Apparently, Hollywood’s dumb-named “iParticipate” campaign is the worst thing since the Great Leap Forward. Sixty network shows will work volunteerism and community service into the plot this week, and in Glenn Beck’s mind, this, coupled with Obama's own push for volunteerism, is the stuff conspiracies are made...

White House Doesn't Take Glenn Beck 'Very Seriously'
White House Doesn't Take Glenn Beck 'Very Seriously'
worth crying over

White House Doesn't Take Glenn Beck 'Very Seriously'

Administration not sweating Fox host's campaign against Anita Dunn

(Newser) - Fox talking head Glenn Beck has White House communications director Anita Dunn in his crosshairs, but the administration isn't exactly sweating. "I caught some of that from the Glenn Beck show yesterday, but I don't think anybody takes it—takes his attacks very seriously," the deputy White House...

White House-Fox Spat Now Involves ... Mao

In old video, communications director Anita Dunn calls Chinese leader a favorite

(Newser) - That was quick. The White House sent communications director Anita Dunn after Fox over the weekend, and now an old video has surfaced—much to the delight of Glenn Beck and others—in which she calls Mao one of her "favorite political philosophers." In a speech to high...

Beck Could Be 'Major' Factor in 2010 Vote
Beck Could Be
'Major' Factor
in 2010 Vote

Beck Could Be 'Major' Factor in 2010 Vote

If he combines angry right-wingers with libertarians, look out

(Newser) - Don't look now, but Glenn Beck could turn out to be a big factor in the 2010 elections, writes Marc Ambinder. Beck is cooking up some kind of voter mobilization project, which is a "tricky proposition" given that "conservative talk radio audiences—and Fox News viewers—tend to...

Beck Weeps for 'Simpler America'

He recalls kinder, gentler football players

(Newser) - Glenn Beck had a weepy "Kodak moment" when he shared old commercials with viewers yesterday and recalled a "simpler" America when "we used to be united." One of the oldie ads he played—a day after fellow right-wing commentator Rush Limbaugh was bounced from a Rams...

Palin Memoir a Gift to Booksellers
Palin Memoir a Gift to Booksellers

Palin Memoir a Gift to Booksellers

Going Rogue likely to continue trend of hits from right-wing figures

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s memoir is expected sell so well that it will singlehandedly boost the fortunes of the ailing book business. The book is already topping preorder lists, and publisher Harper plans an extensive slate of promotional appearances to make full use the former Alaska governor's drawing power. "They...

Fox Ain't News, It's 'the Opposition Party'

Other media outlets need to highlight 'propaganda:' Boehlert

(Newser) - “Fox News has exited the journalism community this year,” Eric Boehlert writes. “It's a purely political player,” which would be all well and good if other media outlets would just report that. As it stands, Fox goes happily about its “propaganda” while hiding behind the...

Hey, Right Wingers: You're Hanoi Jane Now
Hey, Right Wingers: You're Hanoi Jane Now

Hey, Right Wingers: You're Hanoi Jane Now

Folks attacking Obama over Peace Prize are the America haters

(Newser) - “Why, oh why, do conservatives hate America so?” One might get that idea, Eugene Robinson writes, when the likes of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and the RNC rush to join the Taliban in denouncing President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize. These people are “exhibiting what they, in a...

Beck: Prez Cares More About Fighting Fox Than Afghan War

Beck, Bill O'Reilly escalate Fox feud with the White House

(Newser) - Fox anchors Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly went on the attack last night against White House accusations that their network is heavily biased against the president. "They’re more worried about the war on Fox than the actual war in Afghanistan,” snorted Beck at the beginning of his...

Glenn Beck's Mormonism Is the Apocalyptic Kind

Ties to radical mid-century LDS thought could sully Romney 2012

(Newser) - Most of the media has been understandably wary of tying Glenn Beck’s Mormonism to his jeremiad against President Obama and the enemies of freedom, Adam Reilly writes. And yet, Beck is a clear inheritor of a particular strain of mid-century Mormon political ideology that espoused virulent anti-communism and the...

Right Suddenly Embraces Truther King

Alex Jones is like Glenn Beck, only moreso

(Newser) - It wasn’t long ago that the right wing hated Alex Jones. A top voice in the 9/11 Truth movement, he was repeatedly ridiculed on Fox News, and Michelle Malkin said Ron Paul’s association with him should disqualify him from the GOP primary debates. But Jones is a non-partisan...

Why Murdoch Must Fire Glenn Beck
 Why Murdoch Must 
 Fire Glenn Beck 

Why Murdoch Must Fire Glenn Beck

Offensive as the Fox News host is, the bottom line is the bottom line

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch will eventually fire Glenn Beck from Fox News, though not directly because of "his continued assault on the president," writes Ben Cohen. True, Beck's "remarkable slew of accusations and innuendo does not reflect well on the network," but arguments about politics miss the point:...

Conservatives' Intellectual Savior? Try Glenn Beck

He doesn't always resort to sound bites

(Newser) - Today's conservative movement is largely brain-dead, complains Steven F. Hayward. The deep thinkers of yesteryear have given way to shallow sloganeers from the mass media. Who will be the movement's intellectual savior? Hayward sees hope in an unexpected person: Glenn Beck. Yes, he weeps on cue, but he alone is...

Beck and Co.: Just Little Men With Big Voices
 Beck and Co.: Just Little 
 Men With Big Voices 

David Brooks

Beck and Co.: Just Little Men With Big Voices

(Newser) - Once again the right-wing radio guys have managed to convince everyone that they are a great and powerful force to be reckoned with. David Brooks revisits the 2007 Republican primaries, when Rush, Hannity, Beck and company were all weak-kneed over Fred Thompson and Mitt Romney, but bashed “unreliable deviationists”...

In Blog Post, White House Blasts Fox News

Prez promised to call out detractors, and that he did over Olympics claims

(Newser) - In an unprecedented move, the White House has excoriated one of its most vocal opponents in a blog post ripping Fox News. The post singles out Glenn Beck, saying his "program has shown that nothing is worthy of respect if it can be used as part of a partisan...

Oops! Fox Airs Dance Crotch Shot
 Oops! Fox Airs 
Crotch Shot 

Oops! Fox Airs Dance Crotch Shot

Excited So You Think You Can Dance? contestant writhes around, sans panties

(Newser) - Surprisingly, Tuesday night’s So You Think You Can Dance crotch shot (watch the offending clip at left) hasn’t quite galvanized the nation into a state of outrage—but it’s still gaining steam. Nigel Lythgoe tells TMZ that what appears to be the contestant’s vagina is actually...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>