Glenn Beck

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Glenn Beck Boils a Frog * * No, Not Really

... but he did torture a metaphor

(Newser) - Did Glenn Beck boil a widdle bitty frog on national television? It sure looked that way for a second, especially in a video bouncing around the blogosphere today. After explaining the adage that a frog will jump out if you throw it into boiling water, the Fox host appears to...

Think Clinton's Impeachment Was Messy? Wait for Obama's

GOP will bow to Beck or Limbaugh if they take back Congress

(Newser) - The GOP will try and impeach President Obama on some ridiculous charge if they're ever able to get Congress back, and it's not going to be pretty, writes Bob Cesca for the Huffington Post. Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh will come up with a reason for impeachment and a way...

Beck a PoMo Conservative— and It's Working Well for Him

(Newser) - Glenn Beck’s popularity as compared to the more “traditional American conservatism” of, say, Rush Limbaugh heralds the advent of a new archetype, Nate Silver writes on FiveThirtyEight: “Beck is a PoMoCon—a postmodern conservative.” A recent poll shows Beck and Limbaugh equally popular while Limbaugh’s...

Beck 'Fesses: McCain Would Be Worse Than Obama

He 'much prefers' Hillary

(Newser) - Glenn Beck seemed to surprise even himself yesterday when he confessed to Katie Couric on CBS News that "John McCain would have been worse for the country than Barack Obama." McCain is "this weird progressive like Theodore Roosevelt was," he explained. He said he would have...

Where Glenn Beck Came From
 Where Glenn Beck Came From 

Where Glenn Beck Came From

Talk-show host developed style from 26 years in radio

(Newser) - One could be forgiven for thinking that Glenn Beck emerged, fully formed, from some radio talk-show host birthing chamber. But the Beck of today was once a pot-smoking teen from a broken home in Washington who considered suicide, a Salon profile reveals. Beck would later clash with Mormons at an...

How the Crazies Took Over
 How the Crazies Took Over 

How the Crazies Took Over

Birthers, Limbaugh, Beck fill vacuum as Obama tries to stay above the fray

(Newser) - As recently as this spring, the Tea Party movement seemed anemic and wonky. But in the months that followed, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and others whipped the right-wing fringe into such a frenzy that a “separate reality grew like a second head on the American polity,” Philip Weiss...

What Jay-Z and Glenn Beck Have in Common

Rap and right-wing talk radio are more similar than you might think

(Newser) - After listening to hours of Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, and Mark Levin on the radio while driving the Nebraska countryside, a peculiar thought occurred to David Segal: conservative talk-show hosts are surprisingly similar to gangsta rappers, he writes for the New York Times. Consider the parallels:
  • Huge egos. Both groups

Sorry, Jimmy: Race Ain't the Only Card in the Deck

Obama anger not just about skin color: Rich

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter and other Obama defenders playing the race card must remember that it’s just one in a deck that’s driving the I’ve-had-it-up-to-here rhetoric of Joe Wilson and Glenn Beck, Frank Rich writes in the New York Times. “There is a national conversation we must have...

Beck Is the Next Limbaugh
 Beck Is the Next Limbaugh 

Beck Is the Next Limbaugh

Health care protests and Van Jones ousting may have made him king

(Newser) - Two people ought to be scared of Glenn Beck, one GOP media strategist tells Politico: Barack Obama and ... Rush Limbaugh. The Fox host’s success in drumming up health care protests and taking down Van Jones have many wondering whether he’s captured Limbaugh’s crown. “Beck is the...

Time Profile: Beck Strong on Melodrama, Not Politics

(Newser) - Time hits newsstands tomorrow with a familiar face on the cover and the question, "Mad Man: Is Glenn Beck Bad for America?" But instead of a hit piece, the article itself offers a fairly benign profile of "the pudgy, buzz-cut, weeping phenomenon of radio, TV and books."...

Democrats Mock Beck's Czar Hunt
Mock Beck's
Czar Hunt

Democrats Mock Beck's Czar Hunt

Bogus name tars legit jobs, they say, but even some Dems aren't sure

(Newser) - Democrats are fighting back against the anti-czar fervor that has taken hold of the Republican party. Many of the so-called czars these officials insist must be confirmed by the Senate actually already have been, writes Jason Linkins of the Huffington Post. Others occupy positions they themselves voted to create, and...

Beck Didn't Need Mainstream Help to Oust Van Jones

Damage was done by the time the New York Times, USA Today, others, even noticed

(Newser) - Traditionally the script goes like this: Pundit attacks someone, the mainstream media notices, and the sap is quickly shown the door. The Van Jones affair was a lot like that, only without that mainstream middleman, writes Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post. Glenn Beck’s assault took out Jones before...

Rightwing Pundits Belong on the Fiction Lists
 Rightwing Pundits Belong
on the Fiction Lists

Rightwing Pundits Belong on the Fiction Lists

Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin have crafted paranoid masterpieces

(Newser) - Salon writer Steve Almond has seen the future of literary fiction and it looks like Glenn Beck. Right-wing pundits like Beck and Michelle Malkin have dominated non-fiction bestseller lists since President Obama took office, Almond notes. A close read finds that their works aren't the "psychotic, fact-challenged rants of...

Fad or Movement? March Tests Sway of Tea Parties
Fad or Movement? March Tests Sway of Tea Parties 

Fad or Movement? March Tests Sway of Tea Parties

Vocal minority could hurt Republicans, critics say

(Newser) - The “Tea Party Express” bus has rolled into Washington today for a “Taxpayer March” to the Capitol, and if you listen to organizers, it’s the start of a real political movement. “You can’t manufacture this kind of thing,” says a conservative radio host. A...

Glenn Beck's Lawyers Fight 'Defamatory' Domain Name

Joke site says Fox host raped, murdered a girl

(Newser) - Can a domain name be defamatory? When that domain name is, maybe it can be, Ars Technica reports. Beck’s lawyers were on the case within 2 days. They’ve both pressured its host to give up the name of the site’s anonymous proprietor, and filed a...

Sorry, Glenn Beck: Senate Confirms Sunstein

57-40 vote goes mostly along party lines

(Newser) - Cass Sunstein, President Obama’s nominee for a bureaucratic White House post, has been confirmed in a 57-40 Senate vote largely along party lines, Politico reports. Sunstein, who will monitor federal regulations as director of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, has been under attack by conservatives...

NEA Official Resigns: Another Glenn Beck Victory?

(Newser) - The NEA's spokesman has resigned, and the Huffington Post chalks it up as another victory for Glenn Beck. The NEA official, Yosi Sergant, raised the Fox host's ire by participating in an August conference call in which the group sought artists to participate in a national program called United We...

Say Hello to Glenn Beck's Latest Target

Sunstein's stance on hunting puts him on Fox host's hit list

(Newser) - Now that Glenn Beck has helped take down Van Jones, he’s set his sights on another Obama appointee: Cass Sunstein, would-be head of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Conservatives initially praised the choice of Sunstein, because some of his writings have a libertarian bent, Newsweek...

Obama Losing Battle of Old Media, New Media

New media derails dream of new politics

(Newser) - Barack Obama burst onto the scene as a unifying figure, someone who was supposed to end divisiveness and transform political dialogue. But these days, the rancor is as high as ever, and an administration known for its new-media savvy is taking it on the chin regularly from the blogosphere and...

Obama Should Have Put Wall Street on Trial
Obama Should Have Put Wall Street on Trial

Obama Should Have Put Wall Street on Trial

But he didn't, and now GOP fat cats can somehow play populist

(Newser) - How can rich fat cats like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh pretend to be populists, while tarring Barack Obama as the establishment? Because Barack Obama missed his chance to strike a blow for the little guy and prosecute Wall Street, writes communications professor Jon Taplin. Instead, he listened to Wall...

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