
Stories 1501 - 1520 | << Prev   Next >>

Bill Cosby: I'm Not Dead

 Bill Cosby: 
 I'm Not Dead 

Bill Cosby: I'm Not Dead

Twitter tries and fails to take down another celebrity

(Newser) - Bill Cosby is not dead, despite what you might have read on the Internet this afternoon. In fact, the 73-year-old comedy legend is alive, well, and making up words on Twitter, reports WPIX . Using a term he created after a similar false alarm in February, he tweeted today, "Again,...

Social Networking Dominates Time Spent Online

Users only spend 8.3% of their Internet time on email

(Newser) - Social networking websites continue to dominate an increasing portion of the time we spend online, new Nielsen data says. Users are spending 23% of their time on the Internet using sites like Facebook and MySpace, and just 8.3% on email. Only last year, the split was much more even:...

Tumblr Raises Its Social Media Profile

Blogging site hires journalist to woo big media outlets

(Newser) - Is Tumblr the Next Big Thing in social media? The New York Times seems to think so, giving it a feature in today’s paper—and you might see more such coverage soon, because the small blogging site is specifically trying to reach out to the media. It hired former...

Flipboard iPad App Wins Rave Reviews

It creates a personalized 'magazine' from Facebook, Twitter, news sources

(Newser) - Flipboard may be the first true killer app for the iPad, a "social magazine" that weaves information from your Facebook and Twitter feeds together with personalized, aggregated news content into an attractive, intuitive presentation. The app's smooth, magazine-like appearance has drawn almost universal acclaim—check these reviews from...

'I've Unretired': Amanda Bynes

Actress breaks career news on Twitter again

(Newser) - A month after stunning Hollywood and sparking questions about her mental stability with the news of her retirement , Amanda Bynes wants a do-over. "I've unretired," the 24-year-old on-again-off-again actress tweeted . She's a co-star of the buzzed-about high school comedy Easy A, notes People —and within minutes of...

Ode to Web 1.0: Sites We Miss
 Ode to Web 1.0: Sites We Miss 

Ode to Web 1.0: Sites We Miss

Esquire : Sites that were before their time

(Newser) - Everything old is new again, especially on the Web. Some of today's tech darlings owe a lot to websites of years past. Here are some of Esquire's 15 favorite, and mostly kaput, Web 1.0 pioneers:
  1. Dodgeball (2000) "A location-based social network for mobile devices, and the Internet's gift

Physicists: We Need to Look for Alien Tweets

Scientists say SETI has the wrong approach

(Newser) - If aliens are out there and trying to communicate, they are most likely sending short messages—the interstellar equivalent of Tweets, the Telegraph reports. The theory of a cosmic Twitter is being put forth by two physicists calling for a new approach to the long-running Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence project....

Twitter Visualization Shows Detroit Is Never Happy

(Newser) - Some intrepid researchers at Harvard and Northeastern culled hundreds of millions of tweets over the past three years and analyzed the language to put together a handy YouTube visualization of people's moods across the country. Essentially, everyone's happiest when they wake up or are about to fall asleep and they're...

Bloomberg Blasts Palin's Mosque Tweets

Or should we say he 'refudiates' them?

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg was drawn into a war of words with Sarah Palin today, after one of his aides responded harshly to Sarah Palin’s bumbling tweets about the mosque being built near Ground Zero. In response to Palin’s last tweet—“Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand, Ground Zero mosque is...

Romney Blasts 'Numbskull' Advisers for Palin Slams

GOP frontrunner defends rival on Twitter

(Newser) - Time quoted anonymous advisers to Mitt Romney dissing Sarah Palin in this article yesterday, and today Romney himself came to her defense. On Twitter , no less: "TIME says unnamed advisors disparaged @SarahPalinUSA. Anonymous numbskulls. She's proven her smarts; they've disproven theirs."

Sam Jumps to Defend LiLo From ... Joan Rivers
Sam Jumps to Defend LiLo From ... Joan Rivers
twitter wars

Sam Jumps to Defend LiLo From ... Joan Rivers

Hey, at least no one's throwing drinks

(Newser) - The bad news: Lindsay Lohan is going to jail. The good news: Her pined-after ex, Samantha Ronson, is back on her side. Ronson recently defended Lohan against a stream of hilarious—er, mean— tweets from Joan Rivers. Samples: “Lindsay Lohan said she wouldn't mind being under oath because she...

How to Write About Tweets Without Saying 'Tweet'

Observer pokes fun at Times ' Twitter story

(Newser) - The New York Times forbids the word "tweet" (in the Twitter sense) from its pages, as the Awl noted a while back. So when the paper wrote a story about LeBron James' doings on Twitter, the New York Observer wondered how in the world it would manage. Here are...

CNN Fires Mideast Editor Over Tweet

Octavia Nasr's Hezbollah comments doomed her

(Newser) - Twitter isn't big on context, and CNN reporter and editor Octavia Nasr is paying the price. The network is dropping her after she caused an uproar by tweeting "respect" for a notorious Hezbollah figure upon hearing news of his death, reports Mediaite . Nasr, a 20-year CNN veteran, tried to...

Twitter Imposter Mocks Medvedev
Twitter Imposter Mocks Medvedev

Twitter Imposter Mocks Medvedev

'Kermlin Russia' dodges country's media crackdown

(Newser) - Dmitri Medvedev has discovered one of the great joys of Twitter: the satirical impersonator account. Just days after the Russian president sent his first dispatch from his @KremlinRussia page, another account—called @KermlinRussia —is delivering mocking responses to his dispatches. One, for example, poked fun at his attempts to...

What You Don't Know About Mexico's Drug War

Bling, Twitter, Texas all figure in crisis

(Newser) - It may feel as though Mexico's drug war can be summed up in one word: bodies. But there's a lot more to it than meets the eye—or hits the morgue. GlobalPost uncovers five things you may not know:
  1. Confiscated bling has its own museum: Cartel-fighting police end up with

Obama: Medvedev Visited HQ of 'Twitters'

President commits social networking gaffe

(Newser) - President Obama made a surprisingly out-of-touch gaffe when he joked during an appearance with Dmitry Medvedev that the Cold War-era "red phones" could be replaced with accounts from "Twitters." Yes, Twitters, which, as Twitter-ers were quick to notice , sounds a lot like George W. Bush's infamous "...

Feds Force Twitter to Beef Up Security

Online service settles charges over past lapses

(Newser) - Twitter has agreed to settle charges by federal regulators that it put the privacy of its users at risk by failing to protect them from data security lapses last year that let hackers access their accounts. The FTC said today the settlement bars Twitter from misleading consumers about its security...

Corporate Twitter Accounts' Days Are Numbered
Corporate Twitter Accounts' Days Are Numbered

Corporate Twitter Accounts' Days Are Numbered

Smart people won't be doing this forever

(Newser) - Ever sent a tweet to tech support? It beats the heck out of calling, Simon Dumenco discovered recently, when a whining appeal to @sprintcare yielded a prompt, personal, pitch-perfect response. Sounds great, right? Well, don’t expect it to last long, Dumenco writes for Advertising Age , because the current corporate...

Amanda Bynes Retires From Acting

24-year-old tweets big news

(Newser) - Onetime child star Amanda Bynes, who gained fame on Nickelodeon, has retired from acting. "I don't love acting anymore so I've stopped doing it," the 24-year-old announced at 3am yesterday—on Twitter, of course. "If I don't love something anymore I stop doing it." If she's...

Utah AG Tweets Execution News

Critics find social media approach disrespectful

(Newser) - Today's execution of Ronnie Lee Gardner —the first by firing squad in 14 years—was also likely the first execution announced on Twitter, Mashable reports. Utah AG Mark Shurtleff tweeted about the event: “I just gave the go ahead to Corrections Director to proceed with Gardner’s execution....

Stories 1501 - 1520 | << Prev   Next >>