
Stories 381 - 390 | << Prev 

Gonzales Aide Probed for Political Hiring

Goodling accused of screening prosecutors for party affiliation

(Newser) - The Justice Department is investigating whether Monoica Goodling, the former aide to Alberto Gonzales recently given immunitiy to testify before Congress, illegally used party loyalty as a criteria in hiring federal prosecutors. Goodling's position involved reviewing applications for prosecutors; it's a violation of federal law to consider political affiliation in...

BP Chief Resigns Over Lies On Gay Lover

CEO met 27-year-old on gay fetish site, not a walk in the park

(Newser) - The chief executive of U.K. energy giant BP stepped down unexpectedly today, after a court ruled he had lied about details of his relationship with a 27-year-old man, and the House of Lords decided he couldn't keep a tabloid from printing them. Lord Browne of Madingley lavished the student...

Judge Bets on New Approach
Judge Bets on New Approach

Judge Bets on New Approach

(Newser) - A New York judge is handing down treatment-oriented sentences to defendants whose crimes result from gambling addiction, on a model introduced to address drug and spousal abuse. Offenders willing to plead guilty can choose Justice Mark Farrell's suburban Buffalo courtroom and receive lighter sentences, along with counseling and status checks...

Supreme Court Blocks Gitmo Detainees

Justices rule on police chases, patents; will hear Texas death-penalty case

(Newser) - The Supreme Court will not hear the cases of two Guantanamo detainees who sought to challenge the government's policy on military tribunals, it announced today. But it will hear arguments this fall in the case of a Texas death row inmate, a Mexican national whose appeal was supported by the...

Nacchio Goes Down for Insider Trading

Federal jury convicts former Qwest CEO for dumping company stock

(Newser) - Joseph Nacchio, former CEO of Internet-bubble-blowing telecom Qwest, was found guilty of 19 counts of insider trading by a federal jury in Denver yesterday. Nacchio dumped more than $100 million in Qwest stock in 2001, before the stock imploded over questionable accounting practices. The jury acquitted on 23 other counts.

Padilla Jury Selection Begins
Padilla Jury Selection Begins

Padilla Jury Selection Begins

Judge rules that prosecutors can mention 9/11—but can't link Padilla directly

(Newser) - Jury selection began today in the trial against accused terrorist Jose Padilla, with  Judge Marcia Cooke ruling that prosecutors may make references to the 9/11 attacks, but not suggest that Padilla and his co-defendants were linked to them. "Any idea, through inference or otherwise, that these defendants are connected...

Duke Players Cleared
Duke Players Cleared

Duke Players Cleared

NC attorney general characterizes prosecutor as excessive zealous

(Newser) - Three Duke lacrosse players charged with raping and kidnapping a stripper 13 months ago were finally exonerated today when all the remaining charges against  them were dropped. Roy Cooper, North Carolina's attorney general, accused Mike Nifong, the district attorney who brought the charges—and then withheld DNA evidence of the...



Taha Yassin Ramadan is executed, despite protests of lack of evidence

(Newser) - Saddam’s loyal vice president was hanged today for the same crimes as his boss. Taha Yassin Ramadan became the fourth to be executed in Iraq for the 1982 massacre of Shias in the city of Dujail. Ramadan’s original sentence of life in prison was found on appeal to...

Spector Faces the Music
Spector Faces the Music

Spector Faces the Music

(Newser) - Sixties icon Phil Spector was supposedly drunk, depressed, and on prescription medication when he brought B-movie actor Lana Clarkson home from a club four years ago, and shot her-—accidentally, he claims. With his televised trial opening today, Dan Glaister walks readers through what is known of events and gives...

Libby's PR Flop
Libby's PR Flop

Libby's PR Flop

Scooter Libby: Guilty, Guilty, Guilty, Guilty

(Newser) - Michael Wolff attends the trial of Scooter Libby, concluding that Cheney's factotum was hung, drawn, and quartered because he failed to do well what Republicans have always (until now) done well: PR. 

Stories 381 - 390 | << Prev 
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