Amanda Bynes

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11 Bad Habits of the Stars
 11 Bad Habits 
 of the Stars 

11 Bad Habits of the Stars

Rich, famous, but not always healthy

(Newser) - Not all celebrities are like Gwyneth Paltrow, existing on air, kale, and good vibes alone. No, quite a few of them indulge in some distinctly unhealthy habits, from smoking to chowing down on junk food to spending too much time in the sun. The Stir rounds up 11 of the...

15 Nuttiest Celeb Arrests
 15 Nuttiest Celeb Arrests 

15 Nuttiest Celeb Arrests

From bong-tossing to bongo drums

(Newser) - Reese Witherspoon will probably never live down the night that she told a cop, "You're about to find out who I am." But her disorderly conduct arrest is hardly the first crazy arrest Hollywood has seen. MSN rounds up 14 more:
  • Amanda Bynes (allegedly) came up with

8 Awful Celebrity Neighbors
 8 Awful Celebrity Neighbors 

8 Awful Celebrity Neighbors

Trust us, it would not be fun to live next to Katy Perry

(Newser) - Sure, Justin Bieber is a terrible neighbor —to the point where his gated community is withholding the $1,000-per-month homeowner's association fee until something is done about him. But he's far from the only celebrity you wouldn't want next-door. The Stir rounds up seven more:
  • Not

Amanda Bynes Is Now Homeless

Apartment building kicks her out after alleged bong toss

(Newser) - Amanda Bynes' increasingly strange behavior has finally gotten her booted from her apartment, an NYPD source tells In Touch . Days after she was arrested after allegedly throwing a foot-high bong out her window, "movers showed up and removed Amanda’s belongings from her apartment," the source says. Bynes...

Now Amanda Bynes Goes After Rihanna

But we're going to give the win to Rihanna

(Newser) - If you thought Amanda Bynes' recent arrest might have tempered her crazy behavior a bit, well, you were wrong. Yesterday morning, Bynes tweeted at Rihanna—for no apparent reason—"Chris brown beat you because you're not pretty enough," and followed that up with the even more poorly-written,...

Amanda Bynes Arrested After Bong-Toss: Cops

Police say she threw bong out window

(Newser) - Amanda Bynes was arrested last night, and—we know you'll be shocked—a bong was allegedly involved. A doorman at Bynes' Manhattan apartment building called police to report someone smoking pot in the lobby, and took police to Bynes' apartment when they arrived, Eyewitness News reports. She answered the...

Amanda Bynes Shaves Half Her Head

And, apparently, talks to herself incoherently

(Newser) - The latest stop on the road to crazy taken by Amanda Bynes: She shaved off half of her hair. "I buzzed half my head like @cassie! No more old photos! This is the new me! I love it!" she tweeted last night, along with a couple pictures. Making...

Bynes' Latest Crazy Behavior Involves Wig, Cartwheels

She gets kicked out of adult gymnastics class

(Newser) - And just when you thought Amanda Bynes couldn't get any weirder ... The latest story from anonymous witnesses features the troubled starlet at an adult gymnastics class in New York City, wearing a wig, fishnets, and "a leotard that looked like lingerie," according to one onlooker. She's...

Amanda Bynes Reveals Secret Struggle

Says she has eating disorder, rants against gossip outlets on Twitter

(Newser) - Gossip outlets have been publishing pictures of Amanda Bynes looking disheveled, not well, and all around odd. And her reactions haven't done much to combat the consensus that she's losing it. First she threatened to sue , then she claimed there's an Amanda Bynes lookalike running around New...

Amanda Bynes' Behavior Gets ... Weirder

Threatens to sue gossip rags over photos

(Newser) - Wondering how Amanda Bynes is doing these days? Answer: She still seems to be in the midst of some sort of breakdown . But we better be careful saying that, because Bynes is feeling sue-happy. She tweeted yesterday, "I'm suing @usweekly & @perezhilton for continuing to act like I'...

More Bizarre Behavior From Amanda Bynes

Neighbors describe her decidedly un-neighborly tendencies

(Newser) - Breaking news: Amanda Bynes is still acting very, very strange. The latest: She had to move out of her New York apartment and into a hotel under threat of eviction, because neighbors were complaining about her bizarre behavior. "Her door was left open all the time," one tells...

12 Celebs Who Had a Really Bad 2012

Demi Moore, Lance Armstrong probably happy to see this year end

(Newser) - You think you're ready for 2012 to be over? Well, these dozen celebrities rounded up by the Huffington Post are probably even happier to wave goodbye to this year:
  • Demi Moore: She kicked off 2012 by inhaling too many "whip-its" and having a seizure; her year went on

California Gets Ready for Driverless Cars

New law creates regulations for testing self-driven vehicles

(Newser) - Attention, Amanda Bynes : Your driverless car is ready. California, which perhaps coincidentally seems to bear the brunt of starlets driving under the influence of stardom, has passed legislation clearing the way for autonomous cars on its roads. "Today we're looking at science fiction becoming tomorrow's reality,"...

Amanda Bynes Says She's 'Amazing,' But Acting Kookier

She gets kicked out of gym class, locks herself in a dressing room...

(Newser) - Amanda Bynes will have you know that she is "doing amazing," thank you very much. The apparently-troubled 26-year-old insists, in a new interview with People , that she doesn't drink and drive. "It is all false," says Bynes, who has had numerous vehicular scrapes lately and...

Lohan: Why Is Amanda Bynes Not in Jail?

Good question, Lindsay. Good question

(Newser) - If Amanda Bynes' scary driving issues and deteriorating mental health have you thinking of another former child star, you're not the only one. Yes, even Lindsay Lohan is apparently reminded of Lindsay Lohan when she reads about Bynes' troubles, as evidenced by this tweet from LiLo: "Why did...

Amanda Bynes' Mental Health 'Deteriorating'

Actress seen talking to objects, laughing 'for no reason'

(Newser) - Seems Amanda Bynes is suffering from much more than bad driving skills , reports TMZ . The actress has been spotted talking to herself, holding conversations with inanimate objects, and "laughing hysterically for no reason," say sources at her LA gym and condo complex. One source even describes her condition...

Amanda Bynes' Driving Is Getting Seriously Scary

Yet another fender bender, even though she shouldn't be driving at all

(Newser) - Over the past few months, Amanda Bynes has racked up quite a few black marks on her driving record—so many, in fact, that we haven't bothered to report them all. There was her DUI arrest and that time she had to be chased down by six cop cars...

Bynes to Obama: Can the Cop Who Busted Me

That's right, she wants the president's help with her totally false DUI

(Newser) - Amanda Bynes apparently hopes that the leader of the free world can help free her from her latest mess. The 26-year-old was slapped with a DUI charge yesterday stemming from an April 6 incident , and responded by calling the DUI "false" and directing a tweet to the president. Her...

6 Cop Cars Track Down Amanda Bynes

Hollywood actress allegedly nicks car, keeps on driving

(Newser) - At least she didn't sideswipe a cop car this time. But according to police, Amanda Bynes grazed a pick-up truck with her Range Rover in LA yesterday and kept on driving, People reports. The other driver's 911 call prompted a police response—to the tune of six police...

Amanda Bynes Busted for DUI
 Amanda Bynes Busted for DUI 

Amanda Bynes Busted for DUI

Actress pulled over after sideswiping cop car: police sources

(Newser) - Rough: Amanda Bynes was busted on suspicion of DUI this morning. Rougher: after allegedly sideswiping a police car. Law enforcement sources say she was attempting to pass the car at the time, and was then pulled over around 3am. TMZ reports that she's still in jail with bail set...

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