war on women

4 Stories

Carly Fiorina May Solve One Big GOP Problem

Times, Post think she's helping with female voters

(Newser) - Could Carly Fiorina solve Republicans' women problem? Many in the party, which has had trouble appealing to female voters, think so after the former CEO's strong performance in this week's GOP debate, the New York Times reports. “Many Republicans will see her, even if she’s not...

Rand Paul: Women Are Winning War on Women
 Rand Paul: 
 Women Are 
 Winning War 
 on Women 


Rand Paul: Women Are Winning War on Women

And Bill Clinton got kind of a free pass on the Lewinsky scandal

(Newser) - War on women? Pshaw, says Rand Paul, telling CNN today that "I sort of laughingly say, 'Yeah, there might have been—but the women are winning it." Citing female majorities in medical, dental, and law schools, he added, "I think women are doing very well, and...

'War on Women'? Yes, But Democrats Are Waging It

Meghan Clyne: Women are not 'reducible to ovaries'

(Newser) - Democrats accuse the GOP of waging a "war on women," but really it's the Dems who demean women and limit their opportunities, writes Meghan Clyne at The Weekly Standard . The liberal argument—that opposing abortion and federally funded contraception is "anti-woman"—makes women "reducible...

Delta Drops Daily Show Amid 'Vagina Manger' Furor

Catholics declare victory

(Newser) - Delta Airlines has decided to pull its ads from the Daily Show, prompting a round of gloating from the Catholic League, BuzzFeed reports. The Catholic League is still angry about a bit last month in which Stewart joked that if women wanted to get Fox News to take the "...

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