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First, Impossible Burger. Now, Impossible Pizza

Little Caesars is first national pizza chain to offer a faux-meat topping

(Newser) - The meat-substitute movement has entered the world of pizza. Little Caesars is the first national chain to offer a faux-meat topping—Impossible Sausage, reports Business Insider . It will be available on the $12 Impossible Supreme Pizza in select locations for a trial run, per Fortune . The plant-based "sausage" comes...

Beyond Meat's IPO Was Beyond Successful

Share price more than doubled on first day

(Newser) - Investors have a big appetite for fake meat. The shares of Beyond Meat, the purveyor of plant-based burgers and sausages, more than doubled Thursday in its Nasdaq debut. It's the first pure-play maker of vegan "meat" to go public, according to Renaissance Capital, which researches and tracks IPOs....

Vegan Whopper's Test Goes Well; Now, It's Going National

Company rolling out 'Impossible Whopper' to all locations this year

(Newser) - Earlier this month, Burger King began testing a vegan Whopper in the St. Louis area. Reviews came in surprisingly strong—including this one from a worried meat-industry lobbyist who could see or taste no substantial difference between the vegan "Impossible Whopper" and the beef version. As a result, Burger...

Bride Draws the Line With Her Wedding: 'No Murderers'

The unidentified Aussie refused to invite meat-eaters

(Newser) - An Australian bride's line when it came to wedding invitations—"No murderers"—apparently didn't go over well on Facebook. According to Australia's News Network , the unidentified vegan banned meat-eating family members from her wedding and got slammed for it: "When your 'family' tries...

A Vegan's Mom Made Meat Sauce. It Didn't Go Over Well

Daughter accused of threatening to stab mother over meaty meal

(Newser) - Kids sometimes don't like the food their parents make, but a) this woman's picky-eater daughter is 48 years old, and b) most kids don't threaten to knife their parents over what's cooking. The New York Post reports on a story out of Italy, where local media...

Law Would Force Tofurky to Change Its Packaging

Tofurky filed a suit to stop it

(Newser) - Vegetarian food-maker Tofurky filed a lawsuit in Missouri on Monday seeking to defend its right to describe its products with meat terminology such as "sausage" and "hot dogs," as long as the packaging makes clear what the ingredients are, the AP reports. The Hood River, Oregon-based company...

French Butchers Have Beef With Vegan 'Terror' Campaign

Meat sellers are now seeking police protection

(Newser) - Graffiti, smashed windows, even shops splattered with blood. This is the "terror" being set upon meat purveyors in France, the head of the French Federation of Butchers tells the BBC , all part of a campaign by vegans to intimidate "in their aim of making a whole section of...

Researchers See Controversial Way to Help Planet

It involves getting rid of meat and dairy agriculture, or at least reducing

(Newser) - A comprehensive new study finds that more than 75% of the world's farmland—an area the size of the US, EU, China, and Australia combined—could be freed up for new uses and the world still wouldn't go hungry. The big catch: Humans would have to stop consuming...

Vegan Restaurant Bans Bottle-Feeding Cow's Milk

Customers react after sign on door asks parents to leave milk bottles at home

(Newser) - A vegan restaurant in Spain has caused quite a ruckus by posting this on its door: “We like mothers, of all species. That’s why we don’t like bottle feeds based on cow’s milk. Please don’t use them in the restaurant.” According to El Paí...

Woman Denied Swiss Passport for Being 'Annoying'

Nancy Holten meets all legal requirements

(Newser) - A vocal vegan in Switzerland seems to have voiced her discontent with certain Swiss traditions too many times. Nancy Holten was born in the Netherlands but has lived in Switzerland since she was 8; she'd like to gain Swiss citizenship, which her children have, but despite meeting all legal...

Pam Anderson to Assange: Here, Have a Nice Vegan Lunch

Animal activist drops by the Ecuadorian embassy in London

(Newser) - Pamela Anderson is better known for PETA ads and sex tapes , but she's apparently branching out to delivering food to house-bound internationally wanted founders of WikiLeaks, reports the Telegraph . In London on Sunday, she tells the British Press Association that she dropped by the Ecuadorian embassy to visit its...

Our Biggest Meat Producer Invests in Vegan 'Meat'

Tyson Foods nabs 5% stake in startup Beyond Meat

(Newser) - The country's largest meat producer is investing in a vegan startup. Tyson Foods has acquired a 5% stake in Beyond Meat, whose food products made from plant-based proteins are sold in 11,000 stores across the country, reports the Wall Street Journal . One analyst suspects Tyson Foods is more...

Vegan Mom Accused of Feeding Baby Only Fruits, Nuts

Family says Elizabeth Hawk wanted to live on 'water and sunlight' herself

(Newser) - A vegan Pennsylvania woman who was, per her family, determined to live on "water and sunlight" apparently took her extreme dietary views too far and has now been accused of starving her 11-month-old baby, feeding him nothing but fruit and nuts, CBS Pittsburgh reports. The child's father, who'...

Hot Vegan Company Sold a Lot of Mayo—to Itself

Bloomberg uncovers Hampton Creek program after review of emails, receipts

(Newser) - Well, it’s one way to boost sales. Innovative vegan mayo producer Hampton Creek is being accused of dispatching agents to buy back hundreds of jars of its own product. The reason? To make Just Mayo more popular than it really was and impress investors, suggests Bloomberg following interviews and...

Mayor Tries to Create Vegan Paradise in Meat-Loving Italy

Good luck

(Newser) - Say this about Chiara Appendino, she's not afraid of being unpopular. The Guardian reports the new mayor of Turin, Italy, who was elected last month, has promised to make vegetarianism and veganism a "priority" for her government. “The promotion of vegan and vegetarian diets is a fundamental...

CEO Pays 6 Figures for Full-Page NYT Ad on Trump

Josh Tetrick is head of vegan company Hampton Creek

(Newser) - An LGBT advocacy group , a Hollywood star , and a Supreme Court justice have all taken on Donald Trump in recent weeks—and now the chief executive of a vegan food products company has jumped into the mix. Joshua Tetrick, CEO of Hampton Creek, took out a full-page ad blasting the...

Vegan Baby Hospitalized, Taken From Parents

At 14 months, he weighed as much as a typical 3-month-old

(Newser) - Veganism is on the rise in Italy, and while it's been shown to be the best diet for weight loss , a few babies who are also on a strict no-animal-products diet appear to be paying a price. A 14-month-old was rushed to a Milan hospital this month by his...

Chef Brags About Putting Meat in Vegans' Food

He was fired for 'stupid' online remarks

(Newser) - Today's top tip for chefs: Don't boast about sneaking ingredients people don't want to eat into their food. The Littleover Lodge Hotel in Derby, England, canned head chef Adam Lambert after he did just that, telling a woman he was arguing with online that she "should...

Meat-Throwing Thugs Attack Vegan Cafe

Some of them were wearing sausages

(Newser) - Simply avoiding a vegan cafe wasn't good enough for a group of men in Tbilisi, who stormed the establishment in the Georgian capital Sunday night and pelted diners with meat. The men "entered and started to be violent," the Kiwi Cafe says in a Facebook post . "...

Accused in $2M Theft, NYC's 'Hottest Vegan' Felled by Pizza

She's now in Riker's, accused of stealing millions from her own restaurant

(Newser) - It's a dizzying downfall: Sarma Melngailis went from the Ivy League and French Culinary Institute to near-instant fame and success in the Big Apple when she opened the vegan restaurant Pure Food and Wine, frequented by the likes of Alec Baldwin. Hailed as the city's "hottest vegan"...

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