Media Matters

15 Stories

IBM Says It's Suspending All Advertising on X

Musk faces backlash after agreeing with antisemitic post on platform

(Newser) - IBM has "zero tolerance for hate speech and discrimination," the company said Thursday, announcing that it is suspending all advertising on X. The move followed a Media Matters for America report Thursday that advertising from IBM and other large companies had been appearing next to pro-Nazi content on...

Lawmaker Reportedly Pushed School Shooting Conspiracies

Before in office, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene allegedly called Sandy Hook, Parkland attacks staged

(Newser) - As Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene filed impeachment articles against President Biden on his first full day in office, she was facing calls for her own removal over her support for conspiracy theories, one of which claims the Parkland, Fla., school shooting was staged. The left-leaning watchdog group Media Matters has...

Tucker Carlson Digs In as More Old Audio Surfaces
As More Old Audio Surfaces,
Fox's Carlson Digs In
the rundown

As More Old Audio Surfaces, Fox's Carlson Digs In

His defenders accuse liberal Media Matters of ginning up false outrage

(Newser) - The liberal Media Matters for America isn't done with Fox's Tucker Carlson yet. For the second day in a row, it is out with old audio of Carlson saying controversial things on the Bubba the Love Sponge radio show. As with day one , the clips are from 2006...

Fox's Carlson Responds to Flap Over Radio Comments

He's not apologizing after Media Matters unearths audio it calls 'misogynistic'

(Newser) - Today's media flap involves liberal advocacy group Media Matters going after a familiar target—Fox News, and specifically host Tucker Carlson. The group released a video in which it compiles comments Tucker made on the Bubba The Love Sponge radio show between 2006 and 2011. "Misogynistic and perverted"...

CNN Fires Commentator for Tweeting 'Sieg Heil'

Jeffrey Lord's Nazi salute 'indefensible'

(Newser) - CNN has decided to cut its ties with Jeffrey Lord, one of its only pro-President Trump commentators. The last straw came when Lord tweeted the Nazi salute "Sieg Heil!" during an exchange with Media Matters chief Angelo Carusone, Politico reports. "Nazi salutes are indefensible," CNN said...

Media Matters Boss Drives the News
 Media Matters 
 Boss Drives 
 the News 

Media Matters Boss Drives the News

David Brock is manic, systematically influences liberal media: Tucker Carlson

(Newser) - The right-leaning Daily Caller last night published the first in an investigative series about Media Matters for America, alleging that the liberal media watchdog is in bed with the Obama administration, as well as a number of media organizations and bigwigs, and that founder David Brock systematically attempts to influence...

‘Distorted’ Breitbart Videos Cost Professor His Job

Out-of-context clips suggest teachers support union violence

(Newser) - Last year, his clip prompted Shirley Sherrod’s firing ; now, Andrew Breitbart’s video editing has driven a University of Missouri professor from his job. Adjunct professor Don Giljum taught a class on the history of labor that a Breitbart blogger called a “how-to college course on violent union...

Media Matters Declares 'War' on Fox News

Liberal group plans 'sabotage' campaign to discredit network

(Newser) - Nobody can accuse the liberal Media Matters group of having a hidden agenda. The mission is out in the open and called "war on Fox." That's how founder David Brock describes the group's new vision to Ben Smith of Politico . As part of this war, it plans a...

Who's the Snitch at Fox News?
Is There a Snitch at
Fox News?

Is There a Snitch at Fox News?

Does Media Matters have mole in enemy camp?

(Newser) - Fox News had better watch its back now that a snitch is apparently feeding memos to the media exposing it as more of a conservative propaganda machine than a news operation. Two memos leaked to Media Matters revealed orders from the top directing staff to put a right-wing spin on...

Fox News Agrees to Run Ad Criticizing News Corp.

Ad calls attention to News Corp's GOP donation

(Newser) - Fox—unlike other news networks—has barely mentioned the fact that its parent company has donated $1 million to the Republican Governors Association. The network has, however, agreed to accept some money from its critics and run an ad from watchdog group Media Matters for America informing its viewers of...

CNN Kills Ad Ripping Birther Dobbs

(Newser) - A media watchdog ad attacking CNN anchor Lou Dobbs for his "racially charged" support of conspiracy theorists who question President Obama's birth certificate is all set to run tomorrow on CNN. But there's fat chance you'll ever see it on CNN. Five of the six cable providers who sold...

Group Buys Anti-Dobbs Ads to Air on CNN

Bring 'em on, says host caught up in birther controversy

(Newser) - Liberal watchdog group Media Matters is buying CNN airtime to run anti-Lou Dobbs ads during the host’s own show next week, reports Plum Line. The ads condemn Dobbs’ recent calls for Barack Obama to produce a legitimate birth certificate and will also run on Fox News and MSNBC in...

Stewart-Inspired Media Watchdog Barks at CNBC

Liberal Media Matters urges network to get tough on Wall Street

(Newser) - Jon Stewart's attacks on CNBC have greased the wheels at Media Matters. The liberal watchdog group launched an online petition drive today urging the network to be tougher on Wall Street leaders. It's asking CNBC to hire economic voices with a track record of being right about the current crisis...

Dems Launch $40M Assault on McCain
Dems Launch $40M Assault
on McCain

Dems Launch $40M Assault on McCain

Group headed by David Brock revs up attack machine

(Newser) - David Brock, the once-right-wing journalist who led an assault on Bill Clinton in the early '90s, is taking the lead in a Democratic attack campaign against John McCain, Politico reports. The Brock-helmed group Progressive Media USA is planning a $40-million media blitz aimed at McCain; the group currently has $7....

O'Reilly's Rant Wasn't His Imus Moment

Comments were old-fashioned, sheltered—not racist, says Times blogger

(Newser) - The firestorm over Bill O'Reilly's statement that a Harlem restaurant was "exactly the same, even though it's run by blacks" may be overblown, writes New York Times blogger Mike Nizza. While liberal groups are gleefuly taking aim, Nizza says the conservative pundit was recounting a conversion and guilty of...

15 Stories
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