Glenn Greenwald

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Meet the 'Keyser Soze' of Snowden Stories

'NYT Magazine' details how Laura Poitras helped Glenn Greenwald get scoop

(Newser) - Those following the Edward Snowden case will probably recognize the name Glenn Greenwald as the journalist writing up all the resulting scoops. But Laura Poitras? She's a 49-year-old documentary filmmaker from the US who is working with Greenwald and is crucial to the Snowden saga, reports Peter Maass in...

Snowden Still Has Bombshell NSA Secrets

He's distributed copies as 'insurance,' says Glenn Greenwald

(Newser) - The US government should pray nothing happens to Edward Snowden because his death would expose yet more of its secrets in a leak that would be its "worst nightmare," according to the Guardian's Glenn Greenwald. He told an Argentinan newspaper that Snowden doesn't want the information—...

How WikiLeaks Is Helping Snowden

Plus: More big leaks on the way, says Glenn Greenwald

(Newser) - As the drama surrounding Edward Snowden unfolds, WikiLeaks appears to be playing a major role. The organization is paying for housing, travel, and legal help for Snowden, Julian Assange says, and it's working as a "go-between" for the whistleblower and governments . "Edward Snowden is not a traitor....

Peter King: Prosecute Journalists Who Leak

Congressman discusses NSA fiasco

(Newser) - Peter King is not messing around when it comes to journalists who help leak classified information. The congressman told Anderson Cooper on CNN last night that, "if they willingly knew that this was classified information," they should be prosecuted and punished. "I think, something of this magnitude,...

As Snowden Vanishes, Russia Reaches Out to Him

NSA whistleblower drops out of sight in Hong Kong

(Newser) - Edward Snowden checked out of his hotel in Hong Kong yesterday and has essentially disappeared. And while he is believed to still be in the territory, Russia has suggested it might welcome the man who exposed the NSA's secret surveillance, the Wall Street Journal reports. If a request for...

Greenwald: Ever Heard of the Constitution?
 Ever Heard of 
 the Constitution? 
talk show roundup

Greenwald: Ever Heard of the Constitution?

'Guardian' reporter trades blows with Mike Rogers

(Newser) - Glenn Greenwald is resolutely standing by his story , telling ABC today that if the NSA comes calling, “I will tell them that there is this thing called the Constitution, and the very First Amendment of which guarantees a free press.” Of his sources, the Guardian reporter dismissed claims...

Greenwald: I'm Not the One You Should Investigate

People who reveal government's secrets are heroes, he argues

(Newser) - Glenn Greenwald isn't worried about the prospect of a Justice Department investigation —and he thinks it's vile that the Obama administration is going after the people behind the NSA leaks in the first place. "The people who do this are heroes," he writes at the...

The People Behind the NSA Leaks

Glenn Greenwald faces Justice Department investigation

(Newser) - How did word of the NSA's massive Internet and phone surveillance programs leak to the press? We don't know much, but it looks like the story comes from one or more insiders who object to the government's actions. Here's what we know:
  • Tucked at the end

Drone War Exposes Our Racism
 Drone War 
 Our Racism 
Glenn Greenwald

Drone War Exposes Our Racism

Glenn Greenwald thinks Islamophobia is powering the War on Terror

(Newser) - A poll out this morning shows that a majority of Americans believe the US shouldn't assassinate its own citizens abroad (41% favor the killings, with 52% opposed), which is a little weird, points out Glenn Greenwald at the Guardian , because when the US actually killed citizen Anwar al-Awlaki, it...

Obama's Memo on Killing US Citizens Is a Disgrace

Glenn Greenwald: No free society should sanction this

(Newser) - The Obama administration's rationale for when it's OK to kill US citizens is fundamentally un-American, writes Glenn Greenwald at the Guardian . For example, the Justice Department memo says the US is justified in going after terrorists—based on the assertions of US officials supposedly in the know about...

Obama Declares Big Banks Too Big to Jail
 Obama Declares Big Banks Too Big to Jail

Obama Declares Big Banks Too Big to Jail

Decision not to prosecute bank's money laundering sparks outrage

(Newser) - The Obama administration officially bought into the idea that big banks are "too big to jail" yesterday, by deciding to fine HSBC instead of criminally prosecuting its vast money laundering operation—which funneled cash to Mexican drug cartels and Saudi banks with ties to al-Qaeda. The stated reason? The...

Obama Commits Acts of Terrorism
 Obama Commits 
 Acts of Terrorism 
Glenn Greenwald

Obama Commits Acts of Terrorism

Glenn Greenwald on the administration's continued assault on funerals

(Newser) - The US launched a series of attacks in Pakistan this weekend, including one that perpetuated a particularly unsavory Obama administration hallmark: targeting people mourning those killed in the first attack. "I ask this sincerely: what kind of country targets rescuers, funeral attendees, and people gathered to mourn?" asks Glenn...

Obama&#39;s Kill Counts Are Vile Propaganda
 Obama's Kill Counts 
 Are Vile Propaganda 
Glenn Greenwald

Obama's Kill Counts Are Vile Propaganda

Glenn Greenwald dares the media to keep using Obama's definition of 'militant'

(Newser) - In case you missed it, this morning's New York Times contained a staggering revelation : The Obama administration has been counting every military-aged man it kills as a "militant," unless it can specifically prove that they're not. "That's nothing less than sociopathic, a term I...

Media Makes Excuses for Robert Bales
 Media Makes 
 Excuses for 
 Robert Bales 
Glenn Greenwald

Media Makes Excuses for Robert Bales

Glenn Greenwald on America's double standard

(Newser) - When US media outlets speculate on Robert Bales' motives for killing 16 Afghan civilians, they say he had financial and family problems, had served multiple tours of duty, saw a friend's leg blown off, etc. But when Muslims kill Americans, their motives are clear: "they are primitive, fanatically...

Clinton's NBC Gig Proves News Biz Is a Joke

It's become an aristocracy, or entertainment, depending who you read

(Newser) - Chelsea Clinton’s hiring at NBC prompted an inspired rant from Glenn Greenwald on Salon . Pointing out the fact that NBC has also hired Jenna Bush, Meghan McCain, and Luke Russert, Greenwald writes, “I really don’t understand what those angry, lazy losers in the Occupy movement are so...

US to Build Huge New Prison in Afghanistan
 US to Build Huge New 
 Prison in Afghanistan 
Glenn Greenwald

US to Build Huge New Prison in Afghanistan

And never mind prison overcrowding at home

(Newser) - The Obama administration is supposedly determined to cut hundreds of billions in spending, so it struck Glenn Greenwald of Salon as ironic when he noticed that the military last week started soliciting bids for the construction of a massive prison in Bagram, Afghanistan. The facility is to hold approximately 2,...

Cheney Profiting From His Crimes

 Cheney Profiting 
 From His Crimes 
Glenn Greenwald

Cheney Profiting From His Crimes

Obama administration should have prosecuted him, Glenn Greenwald suggests

(Newser) - Lots of countries have laws preventing criminals from profiting from their crimes. “By rather stark contrast, Dick Cheney will prance around the next several weeks in the nation's largest media venues,” touting his new book and debating “whether he was right to invade other countries, torture,...

Only 10% of Arab World Likes Obama

US more unpopular there now than it was under Bush

(Newser) - You know President Obama’s plan to reach out and win hearts and minds in the Middle East? It’s not going well. In a stunning new Pew Poll spotted by Glenn Greenwald of Salon , only 10% of residents in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates...

FBI's Anthrax Case Not 'Conclusive:' Report

Scientists find long-criticized case against Bruce Ivins has holes

(Newser) - The FBI’s scientific evidence against Bruce Ivins in the 2001 anthrax attacks isn’t as compelling as advertised, the National Research Council concluded yesterday, after an exhaustive $1.1 million review. The case against Ivins has long been criticized (Glenn Greenwald gives a nice history of it here ),...

Political Corruption in Hosni Mubarak's Egypt Should Hold Mirror to US
 Egypt Holds 
 Mirror to US 
Glenn Greenwald

Egypt Holds Mirror to US

But American press would never admit it

(Newser) - Egypt, the media have been breathlessly informing us, is a corrupt state where money buys power and vice versa. Sound familiar? asks Glenn Greenwald of Salon . “How many American politicians with a national platform over the last thirty years have failed to convert their political standing into great personal...

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